Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, August 8 / Trend G. Hasanov /
Satlikov Satlik was appointed chairman of the national tourist zone Avaza in the Caspian Sea upon Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov's decree. Before, Satlykov worked as deputy head of this department.
According to official Turkmen source, importance of rapid implementation of large-scale project was stressed at the last meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers. "There are great tasks due to necessity to give more rapid rates to huge construction in the coast of the Caspian Sea. It will allow turning this place near sea in first-class seaside resort," Turkmen President said.
Supreme Control Chamber has recently conducted inspection, revealing shortages, concerning quality of service at hotel complexes. Berdymukhamedov stressed necessity to follow international standards given significant number of foreign guests and tourists, referring to the world experience in this sphere, national TV channel Altin Asir said.
Avaza was established on the east coast of the Caspian Sea upon Berdymukhamedov's decree in 2007. The resort is planned to complete by 2020. It is located near Turkmenbashi city (former Krasnovodsk). At present, roughly $1.5 billion was invested in the project.
Avaza is the first free economic zone in Turkmenistan aimed to develop tourism industry. Construction of new facilities and development of infrastructure of tourism zones are carried out by drawing foreign investments and investments of private sector of Turkmen economy. Special legal, tax and customs regimes operate here. Rapid giving of entry visa is envisaged for visitors of resort zone.
The project envisages construction of more than 50 hotels, sports facilities, health centers, shopping and business centers in the Caspian coast. Infrastructure facilities are planned to be ceated and improved, including the airport of international class with capacity of up to 800 passengers per hour, the seaport, roads that will connect the resort with the airport and the city, gas turbine power plants, water systems and water-desalinating plants.
Artificial 7-kilometer river will stretch along tourist zone. Park complex with sea and coastal fountains will be divided. Ski-sports facilities, pier bridges on the road the airport - Avaza, cultural and entertainment center, playgrounds, swimming-pools and supermarket will be constructed. The final phase of construction of the resort will be marked with construction of casino-center.
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