
Last week review

Politics Materials 11 October 2007 12:00 (UTC +04:00)

1 October

Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Operations were restored

Asian Bank of Development approved multitranche package for Azerbaijani road projects

World Bank and Azerbaijan Communications and Information Technology Ministry named grant beneficiaries in information technology sector in Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan signed contract with General Electric for construction of gas turbine in new electric station

International Finance Corporation signed a contract with Azerbaijan Bank to analyze mortgage loans

Azerbaijani Communications and Information Technology Ministry withdraws Star Alyans insurance company license

Moore Stephens won tender to develop seventh EITI report

2 October

Four exhibitions held in Baku on the same day

Salaries of postal employees were increased in Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan State Institute of Standardization banned the import of concrete from the Georgian plant Kartuli Sement

Insurance tariffs for compulsory insurance for auditor liabilities have been ratified in Azerbaijan

3 October

International Finance Corporation named manager on program of financing service companies in the oil and gas sectors in Azerbaijan

4 October

Azerbaijan approved proposals on joining the composition of shareholders of pipeline company Sarmatia

Azerbaijan Investment company received proposals from ICD on the creation of joint companies in Azerbaijan

The Azerbaijani Government allocated the first funds for the construction of an industrial city

International Arbitration postponed petition by Barmek Holdings against the Azerbaijani Government

Ganja Automobile Plant and Belarus enterprise Dorelectromash signed contract on production of equipment

International tender announced the construction of the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway

Azerbaijan apply to Moscow to allocate land for the construction of House of Baku

Ministry of Economic Development developed two sets of documents for joining the WTO

International agency Moody's awarded first insurance rating to Azerbaijani company

5 October

SOCAR named financial consultant, to gain international rating

State register service of Azerbaijan's real estate commissioned the first system of navigation satellite

One thousand people appointed new jobs as a result of fairs held in the cities of Ganja and Sumgayit in Azerbaijan

6 October

Azerbaijan State Veterinary Service confirmed the absence of bird flue in Azerbaijan

