301 candidates which will ballot in the forthcoming parliamentary elections scheduled for 6 November came out with support to ex-Speaker Rasul Guliyev, the chairman of the Azerbaijan Democratic Party, and made an appeal in respect to his possible arrest. The candidates represent different elections blocs and political parties, as well as independent nominees. 115 of 301 candidates are from Azadlyg bloc, 70 вЂ" the Liberal Party, 43 вЂ" the Popular Front of Azerbaijan Party (PFAP, classics), 30 вЂ" the Umid Party, 14 вЂ" the National-Democratic Party and 29 - independent candidates.
Candidates to MP noted that the statement by the Azerbaijani officials on non-admission to the country or arrest of Guliyev en route to the country is illegal and means the violation of his rights, as well as offer of unequal terms as compared with other candidates.
“Voicing our solidarity with Guliyev, we state that the charges laid on him are of political character, not based on legal norms. We call on the international organizations and democratic circles of the West to prevent the Azerbaijani government from doing illegal actions, which could result in civil resistance,” the document
MP Aydin Mirzazade, a member of the Political Board of the ruling New Azerbaijan Party, said a resolution on Guliyev’s arrest do not have political motives, but simply criminal procedure.
Mirzazade said Guliyev’s arrival in Azerbaijan will not change anything for the opposition and accelerate the democratic processes in the country as the opposition urge. “Azerbaijan has democracy and its development is not a commitment of a man who lived abroad for 10 years, far from the developments and realities,” Mirzazade underlined.
He also noted that Guliyev’s arrival in the country should be accepted as a return of an ordinary citizen. Mirzazade said the spread of opposition news urging the obstacles created by the authorities for the ex-speaker’s return once more testify that the opposition forces are not preparing for elections and are keen directing the public opinion on such scandals.