Azerbaijan, Baku, July 7 / corr Trend T.Hajiyev /
The Azerbaijani Cabinet of Ministers approved new rules today on deporting foreigners without immigrant status and persons without citizenship.
Foreigners without immigrant status and persons without citizenship can be deported from the country by the Interior Ministry, the State Migration Service or a court verdict.
The rules are not applicable over first year to foreigners without immigrant status and persons without citizenship who were the victims of trafficking. These individuals are eligible to receive registration in accordance with the rules outlined by state legislation.
The rules do not apply to children who have fallen victim to trafficking.
If foreigners without immigrant status and persons without citizenship have a document confirming their identity, activities will be carried out on the basis of agreements signed between the State Migration Service or the Interior Ministry and foreign state agencies to certify the validity of the document.
Requests to deport an individual are sent to a computerized informational search system containing entry, departure and registration information, or a unified migration system. The systems will provide data about the individual in question.
Foreigners without immigrant status and persons without citizenship must leave the country within 48 hours of being informed that they must depart from Azerbaijan.
Foreigners without immigrant status and persons without citizenship may be deported to their country of citizenship, their country of permanent residence, the country from which they arrived, countries willing to admit them, or second countries of citizenship or permanent residence for individuals with double citizenship, or double residence.