Azerbaijan, Baku, 25 April / Trend / In 2007 3.46mln tons of oil and oil products were transported via the terminal of Azerbaijan to Black Sea ports of Georgia, said the Deputy Head of SOCAR Transport-Expedition Department, Fuad Khojayev, said during the second Caspian oil and gas trade-transport conference. The key volume of oil - 2.73mln tons fell on Dubendi oil terminal and 730,000 tons were shifted via oil terminal in Baku.
The annual transshipment capacity of Dubendi terminal is 10mln tons, Sangachal terminal - 8mln and terminal in Baku - 5mln tons.
The oil accounted for more than 2mln tons of gross cargo transportations. Other part of cargo transportation - more than 1.4mln tons - was oil products. Turkmenistan accounts for the largest volume of cargos - nearly 2mln tons and Kazakhstan - for the remaining part.
The infrastructure of cargo transportation is comprised of oil fleet, ports and terminals (Dubendi, Baku, Sangachal) in Azerbaijan, pipelines Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan, Baku, Baku-Supsa, Baku-Novorossiysk, railway transport corridor Baku - Black Sea Ports of Georgia (Poti, Batumi, Kulevi).
The State Caspian Shipping Company of Azerbaijan is the largest shipper in the Caspian Sea with a potential capacity of 15mln tons a year) and 40 tankers with a dead weight ranging from 5,000 to 13,000 tons. The annual transshipment capacity Dubandi terminal is 10mln tons a year, Sangachal - 8mln tons a year and Baku terminal - 5mln tons a year.
The capacity of Sangachal terminal makes up 8mln tons a year, the capacity of reservoir park - 320,000 tons and joint with the Baku-Supsa pipeline and BTC - 9mln tons a year. The shipping capacity via the railway makes up 8.5mln tons a year. The free capacity of the terminal enables to transfer and to transport transit oil with a volume of 7.5mln tons a year via the Baku-Supsa oil pipeline and 0.5mln tons a year by the railway to the Black Sea ports of Georgia.
The capacity of Dubandi terminal makes up 10mln tons a year, the capacity of reservoir park - 340,000 tons and joint with the Baku-Novorossiysk pipeline- 5mln tons a year. The shipping capacity by the railway makes up 10mln tons a year. The free capacity of the terminal enables to transfer and transport transit oil with a volume of 5mln tons a year via the Baku-Novorossiysk pipeline oil pipeline and 2.3mln tons a year by the railway to the Black Sea ports of Georgia.
The capacity of Baku terminal makes up 5mln tons a year, the capacity of reservoir park - 100,000 with no joint with any oil pipeline. The shipping capacity by the railway makes up 5mln tons a year. The free capacity of the terminal enables to transfer and transport transit oil in a volume of 4.3mln tons a year via the railway to the Black Sea ports of Georgia.
The capacity of Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline totals to 1mln barrels of oil a day (at present, some 800,000 barrels of oil have been loaded a day), Baku-Supsa - 150,000 barrels of oil a day (under repair at present), Baku-Novorossiysk - 100,000 barrels of oil a day (at present 40,000 barrels a day). The aggregate free pumping capacity of oil export oil pipelines from Azerbaijan totals to 410,000 barrels a day at present.
The average annual capacity of Azerbaijan-Georgia railway corridor makes up 14.4mln tons of fluid cargo. In 2007, 10mln tons of transit and export oil cargo was transported via this railway. The oil accounts for 6mln tons of this volume, and mineral oil - over 3.5mln tons. Over 7mln tons of fluid cargo was shipped from Azerbaijan and over 1.5mln - from Kazakhstan and Turkmainstan.
The capacity of Azerbaijan-Georgia railway is expected to be increased up to 18mln tons in 2008, 22mln tons in 2009 and 23mln tons in 2010. The Garadagh oil terminal with a capacity of 25mln tons is expected to be built as well.