Azerbaijan, Baku, Jun.9/ Trend R.Zamanov/
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad officially inaugurated two important units of the Shazand petrochemical plant.
The units come on stream at the cost of 550 billion rials (some 44.8 million dollars based on the official rate of USD and 15.2 million dollars based on the price of dollar in the free market), the Fars News Agency reported.
The gasoline production unit of Shazand petrochemical plant officially came on stream in March. The plant has the capacity to produce eight million litres of gasoline per day, Fars news agency reported.
The refining capacity at Shazand plant has been raised from 170,000 bpd to 250, 000 bpd. The daily gasoline production capacity rose to 12 million litres.
The Iranian government says the produced gasoline in the newly commissioned unit is based on Euro-4 and Euro-5 standards.