Azerbaijan, Baku, 9 January / Trend corr. D.Khatinoglu / The optimistic view of the United States President on the peace agreement between Palestine and Israel does not correspond towards the truce. Recently, during the visit to the region J.W.Bush, the American President, stated that he optimistically see conclusion of the peace between Palestine and Israel. However, there is no real fact confirming such a view.
So, Ariel Sharon, the former Israeli Prime Minister, promised Mr.Bush five year ago to stop the construction of settlements on the occupied territories of Palestine, but we have still witnessed construction of 56 settlements since then.
However, the discussions held in Annapolis in November and dedicated to the Palestinian-Israeli problem held so far, did not affect on the conclusion of peace. Sianists continue to construct settlements in the eastern part of Jerusalem, the war is continuing in the Gas sector between the Palestinian HAMAS organization and the Israeli military forces, as well as the border conflicts in Palestine as an independent state is still continuing in the region.
According to German Deutsche Welle agency, the discussions between Palestine and Israel were held on 6 and 7 January. However, the motives of the discussions between Tsipi Livni, the Israeli Foreign Minister, and Ahmad Gari, the former Palestinian Prime Minister, have not been disclosed.
As the two day discussions of the peace process did not produced any result, so Mahmud Abbas and Ehud Olmert held the further discussions during the visit to the occupied territories by the United States President. The motive of these discussions was not connected with the peace process. But the discussions were directed towards the prevention of the steps which may lead to the unexpected crisis.
Mark Regev, Olmert's representative, said to Israeli press that Israel will give promise to stop the construction of settlements during the American President's visit to the region.
Such promises were announced during the Palestinian-Israeli discussions in Kemp David, held during the governing of the former American President Bill Clinton. "I think that both the sides pursue another aims."
By releasing some of the Palestinian prisoners Israel attracts the Arab Emirates, to join the coalition against Iran. The close ally of Iran in the Arab Emirates was Syria, which also took part in the discussions held in Annapolis.
Syria stated that the promise by Israel to discuss the occupied territories of Syria during the meeting, as a main reason that the country took part in the discussions. However, no discussions were held during the meeting on this issue. Syria bewares of supporting Iran. The United States officials stated about the less of interference of Syria into the internal conflicts in Lithuania, connected with the presidential election.
So, the Iranian allies in the region, HAMAS and Hezbollah have been close to collapse, which can be considered as best achievement of Abbas, the chairman of the Fath organization, which is considered as the opponent of HAMAS.
Mr.Bush wins most of all from those discussions. During the seven year presidency, Mr.Bush caused the damage to the peaceful image of the United States. Now, by the conclusion of the peace agreement in the Middle East, he wants to change the negative view of world about him and his country.
Mr. Bush has undertaken steps for the next President to be elected from Republicans. However, all his steps deepened the crisis.