
Uzbekistan, Russia sign slew of co-op instruments

Uzbekistan Materials 27 May 2024 17:42 (UTC +04:00)
Uzbekistan, Russia sign slew of co-op instruments
Kamol Ismailov
Kamol Ismailov
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TASHKENT, Uzbekistan, May 27. Uzbekistan and Russia signed 27 documents during the state visit of the President of Russia to Uzbekistan, Trend reports.

Specifically, the following documents were signed:

1. Joint statement by President of Russia Vladimir Putin and President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev

2. Agreement between Russia and Uzbekistan on rendering technical assistance to Uzbekistan in the field of metrology

З. Plan of joint actions to expand industrial cooperation in order to increase trade turnover between Russia and Uzbekistan

4. Plan of joint actions to expand interaction in priority areas of cooperation between Russia and Uzbekistan

5. Agreements between Russia and Uzbekistan on cooperation in joint film production

6. Agreement between Russia and Uzbekistan on cooperation in the field of ensuring sanitary and epidemiological well-being of population

7. Protocol on amendments to the agreement between Russia and Uzbekistan on cooperation in the field of fisheries (signed on November 17, 2021).

8. Protocol on amendments to the agreement between Russia and Uzbekistan on cooperation in the construction of a nuclear power plant on the territory of Uzbekistan dated September 7, 2018

9. Design contract for the supply and construction of a Low Capacity Nuclear Power Plant in Uzbekistan

10. Agreement between the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia and the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of Uzbekistan on joint competitions in the field of scientific research

11. Agreement between the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance of Russia and the Agency for Plant Quarantine and Protection under the Ministry of Agriculture of Uzbekistan on digital cooperation in the field of plant quarantine.

12. Plan of main directions of activity of the working group on increasing trade turnover between Russia and Uzbekistan for 2024–2030 years.

13. Memorandum between the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia and the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovations of Uzbekistan on the establishment of a branch of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University (National Research University) in Uzbekistan.

14. Program of cooperation to increase tourist flow between Russia and Uzbekistan for 2025–2026.

15. Program of cooperation in the field of culture between the Ministry of Culture of Russia and the Ministry of Culture of Uzbekistan for 2024–2026.

16. Plan of practical measures (road map) on development of cooperation in the field of plant quarantine and plant protection between Russia and Uzbekistan for 2024–2025.

17. Protocol of Intentions between the Ministry of Health of Russia and the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan on issues of health care organization

18. Protocol of Intentions between the Ministry of Health of Russia and the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan in the field of regulation of medicines for medical use, medical devices and high-tech methods of treatment on the territory of Russia and Uzbekistan

19. Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation in the field of transport machine building between the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia and the Ministry of Transport of Uzbekistan.

20. Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia and the Ministry of Digital Technologies of Uzbekistan on the exchange of experience in the formation and development of the aviation systems industry, as well as the study of the legal basis for their application to improve the efficiency of socio-economic development

21. Agreement on opening a branch of the All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade

22. Agreement between Sberbank (Russia) and the Tourism Committee of Uzbekistan on mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of tourism

23. Plan of practical measures for implementation of pilot projects of Sberbank (Russia) in Tashkent

24. Roadmap for expanding cooperation between Gazprom and the Ministry of Energy of Uzbekistan

25. Agreement on comprehensive support of priority projects in Uzbekistan with VEB.RF

26. Agreement on implementation of projects for development of agro-logistic centers in Uzbekistan with VEB.RF

27. Agreement on organization of production of chemical products in Uzbekistan with Rosatom

