
Azerbaijani civilians' houses destroyed after shelling by Armenian armed forces (PHOTOS)

Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict Materials 16 July 2020 15:15 (UTC +04:00)
Azerbaijani civilians' houses destroyed after shelling by Armenian armed forces (PHOTOS)

BAKU, Azerbaijan, July 16

By Asif Mehman - Trend:

Armenian armed forces continue firing at Azerbaijani civilians and their houses, Trend reports on July 16.

The forces shell Azerbaijani villages with large-caliber machine guns and artillery installations.

Starting from 4:00 am, the villages of Aghdam, Dondar Gushchu, Alibeyli and Hajali in the Azerbaijani Tovuz district have been especially intensively shelled with usage of heavy artillery. The shelling caused significant material damage to residents of the villages.

Azerbaijani Prosecutor General’s Office initiated a criminal case in relation to Armenian armed forces' shelling the settlements in the Azerbaijan's Tovuz district.

As earlier reported, as a result of the shelling, a resident of Aghdam village, Tovuz district, civilian Aziz Azizov died. His daughter, Zarnishan Gozalova told that on July 12, she talked to her father on the phone, and immediately after the talk, the Armenian armed forces shelled the house, killing her 76-year-old father.

