(hotonlinenews.com) - Beverly Hills analyst and addiction expert Marty Brenner fears that Britney is displaying the kind of behavior that "could end in suicide" if she does not get help. "She appears to be crazy," said Brenner, who has not treated Spears. "She is disconnected from life. She's losing it now, and she's going to eventually lose it altogether if she doesn't get the help she needs. She's exhibiting bipolar signs and she's clearly fighting depression." Well, she has been acting strange for some time, but it's possible that her sister's pregnancy has set her off in another bid for attention. During the weekend, Britney stopped on a busy road to snap a photo of a mural, then flipped when photographers refused to move out of her way. She screamed "Mother*******" at them and smashed her camera against a car. Later, she stopped numerous times at gas stations and at a Wal-Mart to use the bathroom.