Last week the representatives of Azerbaijan's Ministry of Labor and Social Protection presented reports during the meeting dedicated to the results of 2007.
Thus, the level of the unemployment in Azerbaijan decreased from 10.7% to 6.7%. "The growing economic rates in the Country enabled to improve the life standards of population, open new workplaces," said the Ministry's Department of Employment, Anar Badalbeyli said.
Approximately, 41,831 people appealed to the employment bodies and 29,274 of them found jobs. This is more by 2,424 people or 8.3% as compared to 2006.
Moreover, 3,690 people got a status of unemployed, 4,494 people were given unemployed benefit, 2,571 people were sent to courses and 1,727 people to paid public work.
Besides 57 fairs were held in 55 cities and districts of Azerbaijan, where 5,945 people were provided with jobs.
Over 11 months 2007 nearly 3,664 people, including 1,617 women, got appointment for temporary jobs at labor fares in Baku, Sumgait, Ganja, Mingachavir and Nakhchivan.
As of 12 December 2007, 284 accidents took place in the production and as a result, 136 people died and 216 died, said the Head of the Ministry's Labor Inspection, Nabi Shukurlu.
Due to it, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection considers essential to toughen administrative punishments against companies-employers which violate legislations, stated the Labour Minister of Azerbaijan Fizuli Alakparov. "The proposals were developed to introduce changes in the Administrative Violations Code in order to increase responsibilities of employers," the Minister said.
The goal of the fine is to make companies to feel responsibilities for their operation.
Moreover, the Ministry presented to the Government the draft law on obligatory social insurance against accidents in the production. According to the Minister, the law will significantly resolve the problems in this sphere.
According the data by the Ministry, today significant part of the accidents takes place in the construction sector. Since the beginning of the year, the Labor Inspection ceased activities of eight construction companies.