Israel, Jerusalem, 17 September / Trend corr. Arie Gut / Primaries will be held at the ruling Israeli Kadima party, at 10.00AM on 17 September.
Two leading candidates, including the Israeli Foreign Minister Tsipi Livni and the Transport Minister General Sahul Mofaz, believe in their victory. All technical arrangements have been done for primaries. Necessary attributes of the elections were sent to all 117 polling stations of the country on 16 September.
According to the last opinion poll, the Foreign Minister Livni will easily gain victory in the elections of a new leader at the ruling Kadima party and can replace the Premier Ehud Olmert. However, Mofaz's representatives said that they enlisted 27,000 voters' support. Both leaders believe in their victory and at the first round. The Transport Minister Mofaz's staff is certain about victory of their candidate, despite of results of the last opinion poll.
Although all opinion polls almost show Livni's victory, observers on party affairs predict that just Mofaz will win in the primaries. They have serious grounds for such forecasts. Election of the party leader principally differs from general census. During the primaries, not arithmetical number of supporters and support of one of candidates' political program, but organization system and all possible agreements amongst clans inside the party, is the most crucial condition. Mofaz has objectively more opportunities to do much good with potential supporters and consequently it will be easy for him to come to agreement with them. Nevertheless, headquarters of both potential winners in the primaries at the Kadima party will call voters with the objective to ensure their high presence.
At present candidates think on establishment of coalition within 21 days of the elections day. If Livni can win in the primaries, she will replace Olmert at the Premier position, becoming the second women Premier in the history of Israel after the legendary Gold Meir. If General Mofaz gains victory in the elections, he will be the first Israeli Premier, who is an expatriate Iranian. However, this is the matter of time: the winner will be known in 12 hours.