( RIA Novosti ) - Vladimir Putin met the Serb president on the sidelines of an energy summit between Balkan nations in Zagreb, stating that all Russia's actions were geared towards ensuring stability in the region.
"Our position, all our actions are aimed at creating stability based on international law in the region, considering the interests of both sides. Our position is not dictated by religious, ethnic, or historic reasoning, but today's principles of international morals and the desire to establish stable relations for the development of all states in the region," the Russian president said.
Boris Tadic said Serbia was grateful for Russia's support over the Kosovo issue adding, "Any discussion on independence for Kosovo is extremely dangerous for the situation in the region," but he said Serbia was ready for compromise through talks.
In a closed session Friday the UN Security Council discussed draft proposal from the U.K., the United States, and France which gives four months for further negotiations before automatically granting independence to Kosovo.
It is the third draft based on special envoy Martti Ahtisaari's plan to grant Kosovo independence without prior consent of Serbia. According to the new document, the resolution will come into force without further approval if the agreement between Pristina and Belgrade is not reached before the four-month deadline.
But the Russian envoy to the UN Vitaly Churkin said Moscow would not take part in the draft resolution.
Moscow has repeatedly said a solution must be based on a compromise between Belgrade and Pristina, and that the position of ethnic minorities in the region should also be considered.