
“Only BHOS can help me to obtain success” – student

Society Materials 27 October 2017 16:26 (UTC +04:00)

An interview with Abdulla Askarzada, one of the students of Baku Higher Oil School (BHOS) who earned 700 points at the entrance exams to higher educational institutions this year.

– Please tell who is Abdulla Askarzada, the student who managed to earn 700 points?

– I was born on August 25, 2000, in Gandja. In 2006, I went to the first class of the secondary school №31 there. In 2012, I earned the best marks at the entrance exams to Turkish lyceum in Gandja and gained the right to study at lyceum free of charge. This year I graduated from the lyceum with certificate with honors and entered Baku Higher Oil School to study Process Automation Engineering. My father is neuropathologist and my mother is a music teacher with higher education. I have two elder sisters; they both are students.

– Abdulla, what success you are proud of most of all?

– I believe that my biggest success is still ahead, although there are quite a few achievements I can be proud of. A few years ago, I won a contest to enter the Turkish lyceum in Gandja. This year, I managed to earn the highest possible score at the entrance exams and became second-year student of the Higher School, as I recently successfully passed IELTS, the international standardized test of English language proficiency, and earned 6.5 points. I also became a Presidential Scholar, and I am very happy be one of the recipients of the Presidential Scholarship. Yet, I see all this just as initial steps on the way to my ambitious goals. If I can remain Presidential scholar during the years of studying, graduate from BHOS with honors, pursue Master degree at a prestigious university abroad, become a good professional and excellent specialist and then come back home to serve to my country, then I can be really proud of myself.

– When you were thinking about higher educational institutions, why did you select BHOS?

– I entered the Baku Higher Oil School with great hopes. I think that BHOS is the only higher educational institution where I can achieve my goals. Thus, I’m a student of the Higher School.

– Where do you see yourself after graduation? Why?

– I would like to continue my education abroad. Frankly, I wanted to pursue my bachelor degree abroad, too, but my parents persuaded me to obtain this degree here. And we all agreed that BHOS would be the best option.

– In your view, what a student must do to succeed?

– Every person, not only a student, shall to work hard to achieve his or her objectives. It is also important to overcome problems and not to give up on your goals, when you face challenges.

– What is the best motivation for you?

– My parents’ care, support and trust are the greatest encouragement for me. I have a lot to thank my parents for my success. And my strongest motivation is the desire to please them.

– What would you advise students or those who want to become students?

– I would advise them to seriously consider what profession and what higher educational institution to choose. No doubts that young people shall make the decision themselves, but it is very important at heed the advice of the parents. And if you make a correct decision, you can overcome all difficulties.

