(news.sawf.org) - Lindsay Lohan has checked into Cirque Lodge drug and alcohol treatment center in Sundance, Utah for her third stint in rehab this year, according to the CBS Radio
However, Lohan's rep told Us Weekly, "It would be counterproductive to the medical treatment she's receiving to release Lindsay's whereabouts at this time."
There were earlier reports that Lindsay had flown from L.A. to New York with sister Ali on Friday (04 Aug 2007) to spend time with her family at their Long Island, NY home. However, telephoto lens wielding paparazzi failed to spot her at the house though younger sister Ali and a pal, brother Dakota (Cody) and mother Dina were all there.
According to Access Hollywood, Cirque Lodge was recently named by Town and Country magazine as one of the top substance abuse treatment facilities consistently providing outstanding levels of care.
The trouble 21-year-old had earlier checked into Wonderland on January 18 to be treated for alcoholism. She stayed there till February 16 but her ability to come and go during her stint at the facility had people questioning the seriousness of her quest for sobriety.
Within a month of her leaving Wonderland a source who spotted her partying at NYC club, The Plumm said, "She didn't seem sober."
On May 9, she was spotted looking "totally wasted" at New York club, Marquee, with then-boyfriend Calum Best.
On May 26, Lohan crashed her car after a night of drinking with Samantha Ronson in Los Angeles.
The very next day Lindsay and Ronson were at L.A. club Teddy's. Lohan partied until 4 a.m., when she collapsed and had to be carried to her car.
On May 28, Lohan's lawyer, Blair Berk, drove the actress to Promises Treatment Center in Malibu.
Lindsay completed her 45 days of residential and extended care treatment at Promises Friday, July 13, 2007, but the very next day she was seen partying at PURE, Las Vegas wearing an alcohol monitoring bracelet on her anklet.
Lindsay was arrested on 24 Jul for DUI and released on a $25,000 bond. She is due to appear in court on August 24 on two DUI charges.