
Uzbekistan offers Russia's Bashkortostan to grow fruits and vegetables in Samarkand

Business Materials 5 October 2018 15:24 (UTC +04:00)

Baku, Azerbaijan, Oct. 5


The farmers of Bashkortostan, a subject of Russian Federation, have been offered to grow fruits and vegetables in Uzbekistan, the Deputy Governor of the Samarkand region Otabek Babaev, who had a meeting with the Prime Minister of the Government of Bashkortostan Rustem Mardanov recently, said in an interview with reporters, Podrobno.uz reported.

This referred primarily to strengthening trade and economic relations between the two regions. Uzbekistan is preeminently interested in increasing the supply of fresh fruits and vegetables, textiles and garments to Bashkortostan, and also wants to see meat and dairy products of Bashkir agricultural producers on the shelves of Uzbek stores.

At the same time, the representatives of the Samarkand region are ready to allocate farmlands in the free economic zones of the region for conduct of agrarian business.

"The free economic zones have been established in the regions of Uzbekistan, in which there are different clusters, including the agricultural cluster, where we offer our friends, our investors, to create their own intensive gardens and greenhouse facilities for growing fruits and vegetables with subsequent export to their countries" Otabek Babayev, Deputy Governor of the Samarkand region of Uzbekistan said.

