Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, Feb.3 / Trend H. Hasanov /
Specialists of the Chinese company CNPC deal with major repairs in wells in the oil and gas field Barsagelmes in the western Turkmenistan, the state concern Turkmenneft reported.
Last year about 20 wells were restored that allowed producing additional 120,000 tons of oil. Recently new fields were discovered in this field. Turkmenneft is working on exploration of deep-lying layers on existing fields, which are being developed.
During the development of one of these wells at depths ranging from 4,548 to 4,566 meters an oil fountain was obtained, productivity of which is preliminary estimated at 129 tons per day. At this stage, work is under way to explore options and opportunities of the oil reservoir.
During the years of independence several oil and gas production facilities were built in the fields of the Balkan region. These facilities include low-temperature gas separation facility, pumping stations, gas compressor stations, block compressor stations, hundreds of kilometers of manifold, pipelines and other facilities.
In general about ten million tons of oil was produced throughout country in recent years, while a significant part of the amount accounts for Turkmenneft. The foreign partners working within the PSA, include companies such as Burren Energy (subsidiary of Eni), Mitro, Dragon Oil, Petronas and others. Oil is processed in the country's two plants in the cities of Turkmenbashi and Seydi.