Azerbaijan, Baku / corr. Trend S.Babayeva/ The Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies of Azerbaijan issued an order in the restructuring of the administration office of Azerbaijan's State Enterprise Azerpocht. The process will take nearly three months.
The restructuring proposals have been devised for providing financial services within the joint project with the World Bank.
Structural changes do not envisage reducing the number of employees, but changing occupations, creating new departments and unifying the Azerpocht departments.
Presently more than 4,200 employees and twelve departments function in the Enterprise. Azerpocht controls the activities of all postal enterprises in Azerbaijan. The necessity for the structural changes was made apparent by the fact that the Enterprise will provide financial and banking services.
The cost of the three year project "Development of Financial Services", the main component of which is the modernization of the postal network of the country, made up $17,5mln, with $12,25 credit allocated by the World Bank, the remaining allotted by the Azerbaijani government. One thousand new jobs will be created under the framework of the program.
The Ministry of Communication will introduce financial and bank services this year.