Turkmenneft invites foreign companies to service investment projects
The Turkmenneft state concern provides many opportunities for attracting new companies in cooperation and investments and for expanding the volume of service work and types of operations in oil and gas sector, the official Turkmen source said.
This issue was recently raised in the international oil and gas conference in Ashgabat. In particular, the chairman of the Turkmenneft state concern Annaguly Deryayev said that special companies will be attracted in the area of drilling to complete the well construction and development, ensure the quality of cementation, use improved technologies while opening productive horizons and introduce 'hydraulic well drilling programmes'.
Turkmenneft plans to equip drilling rigs with new tools and technology for opening and developing oil and gas reservoirs without affecting their performance. Cooperation in the testing of well reservoirs' effects such as the acid treatment of beds, acoustic, vibration effects on the bottom hole formation zone is also of interest to the state concern.
In addition, the state concern is particularly interested in cooperation on issues such as waterproofing repairs, elimination of casing the flow of water in the oil and gas wells as there are individual layers with high abnormal pressure, composed of loose and slightly compact rocks among new open deep-lying Miocene deposits.
Problems with the corrosion of wellhead equipment leading to the formation of plugs in the bottom hole of the well which clogs the operational and lifting tubes causes emergency situations to occur within the exploitation process.
"We are willing to consider the offers of our partners in all these and other problems," the head of the state concern said.
The state concern is increasing its oil production in the old developed fields of Nebitdag, Barsagelmes, Gumdag and Cheleken through the introduction of new advanced technology and high production equipment from Germany, Finland, Canada and the USA.
Turkmenistan auctions about 360,000 tons of oil products
Turkmenistan auctioned about 360,000 tons of finished commodity of two refineries in Turkmenbashi, Saydi and Nayip gas-processing complex at the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange.
The country put as stock trades about 100,000 tons of diesel fuel, 150,000 tons of fuel oil, 20,000 tons of aviation kerosene, 30,000 tons of kerosene, about 20,000 tons of liquefied gas, 30,000 tons of straight-run petrol, 10,000 tons of oil coke.
Some 22 transactions were registered at the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan last week.
Last week businessmen from Afghanistan bought liquefied gas and gasoline. The total sum of the contracts on the exchange, including oil products exceeded $32 million.
The representatives from Azerbaijan, Great Britain, Russia, China, Liechtenstein, Kazakhstan, Denmark, Switzerland and other countries are the traditional participants of the auction.
The Commodity Exchange is a principal organ of state regulation of export-import operations in Turkmenistan.
Turkmengaz to purchase electrotechnical products
The State Concern Turkmengaz announces a tender to purchase material and technical resources:
Lot No.3 - Electrotechnical products;
Applicants are invited to visit the following address for more details: Ashgabat, 1939, Archabil Avenue, 56, 13th Floor, Turkmengas:
- To submit a written request (applications are not accepted from companies registered or having bank accounts in offshore areas,) on the desire to participate in the tender, indicating full name, legal status, country of registration and details;
- read the tender rules for suppliers of material and technical products for the oil and gas complex of Turkmenistan;
- obtain specification of the lot of and technical requirements;
- obtain a package of tender documents by paying $230 (two hundred thirty) per lot.
Tender proposals are accepted: 16:00 local time, Dec.28, 2012
The account will be indicated upon submitting a written application.
Packages with tender bids must be delivered to the above mentioned address in two envelopes after the notice is published.
The first envelope should include the full technical characteristics and requirements of the products offered, as well as all tender documents.
The second envelope should include only proposal on prices.
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: (99312) 40- 37-40 (fax), 40-37-39, 40-37-42
Tender announced for road repairs in Azerbaijani city
The Executive Power of the Azerbaijani city of Yevlakh announced a tender to purchase work on major repair of roads in the city and work on its improvement in 2013, the official press quotes the tender commission as saying on Tuesday.
Tender participation fee is 100 manat.
Tender bids are accepted until 17:00, Jan.15, 2013. Tender packages will be opened at 11:00, Jan.16.
The official exchange rate is 0.7849 manat to $1 on Dec.11.
Turkmenistan extends tender to reconstruct brickyards
The Turkmen Construction Ministry has announced about extending an international tender (for the national currency) for the reconstruction of brickyards with capacity of 7 million bricks per year in the districts: Baharly, Kaka, Tejen, Saraghs, Babadayhan in the Akhal province, as well as in the Serdar city of Balkan province.
Interest parties are required:
- to submit a written application to the address: Ashgabat, Str. Gerogly, 41 (2009) indicating full name, legal status, country of registration and details;
- obtain specification of the lot and technical requirements by paying $200 + 15% VAT per lot or equivalent in manat at the official rate of the Central Bank for that day.
Packages with the bids will be considered after receipt of funds into the account.
Packages with bids are required to be sent to the address: Ashgabat, Str Gerogly, 41 (2009).
Tel: (99312) 94-57-48, 94-69-62, 94-59-70.
Turkmenistan extends tender for reconstruction of asphalt mixing plants
The Construction Ministry of Turkmenistan announced about extending an international tender (for national currency) for the reconstruction of asphalt mixing plants with capacity of 1 million tons of asphalt per year in the Goktepe settlement in the Akhal province, as well as in the cities of Turkmenbashi and Serdar in the Balkan province until Dec.20, 2012.
Interested individuals are invited to:
- to submit a written application to the address: Ashgabat, Str. Gerogly, 41 (2009) indicating full name, legal status, country of registration and details;
- receive a specification of the lot and technical requirements, paying $200 + 15% VAT per lot or its equivalent in manat on official rate of the Central Bank for that day.
Packages with the bids will be considered after receipt of funds into the account.
Packages with the bids should be delivered to the address: Ashgabat, Str. Gerogly, 41 (2009).
Tel: (99312) 94-57-48, 94-69-62, 94-59-70.
Burren Resources Petroleum Ltd announces tender in Turkmenistan
A branch of the Burren Resources Petroleum Ltd has announced a tender in Turkmenistan:
ITT59-12 - for Tender for provision of Tubular Inspection and Machining Services
Tender closing date - 17:00, Jan. 10, 2013.
All companies interested in participating should send an official request to engineer coordinator on contracts (e-mail address: [email protected]) to obtain an official invitation to tender.
Turkmengaz to purchase gas production equipment
State Concern Turkmengaz announces a tender for the purchase of materials and equipment for the needs of the State Concern Turkmengaz:
Lot №2 Gas production equipment
You are invited to: Ashgabat, 1939, Achabil prospectus, 56, 13 floor UKPO SC "Turkmengaz":
- To submit a written request (applications from the companies registered or having bank accounts in offshore zones, will not be accepted) on the desire to participate in the tender, indicating full name, legal status, country of registration and details;
- To read the rules of competitive selection of suppliers of material and technical products for the oil and gas complex of Turkmenistan;
- To get a specification of lots and technical requirements;
- To obtain tender documents by paying $230 (two hundred thirty) per lot.
The tender bids will be accepted until 28/12/2012 until 16:00 pm local time.
The account will be specified when a written application is submitted.
Tender bids must be delivered to the above mentioned address with the publication time of the announcement and will be considered after receipt of funds to an account in two envelopes:
First envelope should provide full technical characteristics and requirements for the products offered, as well as all the necessary tender documents. The second envelope shall only offer proposals on price.
E-mail address: [email protected]
For more information call: (99312) 40-37-40 (fax), 40-37-39, 40-37-42.
Turkmen Hydrometeorology Committee announces tender
The National Hydrometeorology Committee under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan announces an international tender for the construction of a five-storey administrative and technical building for the National Hydrometeorology Committee equipped with the latest apparatus.
Interested parties may obtain the package of documents and register their proposals at the address below with a pre-paid registration fee of $570 (five hundred and seventy) manat to the account of the National Hydrometeorology Committee under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan (23104934110153100000000 settlement account, the Central Bank of Turkmenistan, Ashgabat) . Location: Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, Makhtumkuli Shaely, 95.
Tel: (99312) 93-81-58, 93-82-44, fax: (99312) 93-82-44.
Deadline for submission of proposals: 17:00 local time, Jan.15, 2013.
MTS announces open tender for proposals in Turkmenistan
The MTS-Turkmenistan Company announces an open tender for proposals to render the audit services of MTS-Turkmenistan for 2013.
Proposals will be accepted from the date of publication of the advertisement till December 20, 2012. The organiser will accept bids up to 17.00 (local time).
Proposals received later than the above-mentioned deadline will be rejected by the organiser without consideration regardless of the cause of delay.
Detailed information about the conditions and the procedure of holding the public tender for proposals is contained in the documents on purchase as part of this notification. One can obtain further details from the organiser, Gulya Hummedova, phone +993 66 304048 e-mail: Gulya.Hummedova @ mts.tm
Proposals must be sent to:
744035, 85, Turkmen Hero A.Niyazov prospect, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, MTS - Turkmenistan Head Office.
This advertisement is of an information nature. It is not a formal offer. MTS - Turkmenistan has no obligation to enter into any contracts with the companies which submit their proposals.
Petronas Charigali announces tender in Turkmenistan
The company Petronas Charigali invites companies to participate in the following tender: PCT/OPS/K/2012/011 - Provision of chemicals for technological process for "PETRONAS Charigali (Turkmenistan)"
Interested companies must submit the following documents to participate in the tender:
- A letter/application for participation in the tender (indicate the name and number of the tender);
- Power of attorney for authorised representative to have the right to submit an application;
- Copies of the registration documents for companies registered in Turkmenistan;
- List of relevant work experience.
Applications are accepted within 14 calendar days from the date of the announcement at: Beyuk Saparmurat Turkmenbashi Shaely., 81, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
e-mail: [email protected]
Azerbaijani companies submit investment projects
Azerbaijan Export and Investment Promotion Foundation (AZPROMO) continues receiving investment projects in the non-oil sector of the economy to submit them to foreign investors and partners, the Azerbaijani Economic Development Ministry said today.
The investment projects must include the information about the name and place of the project implementation, purpose, value, the proposed scheme of financing, the period of the project, and information about the company implementing the project.
Moreover, the projects must include the establishment of enterprises taking into account the international standards or the introduction of new technologies in enterprises, as well as the production of high quality products for export.
Investment projects are accepted in Azerbaijani and English, in electronic or printed forms.
More information is available at:
AZ 1000, 44, Neftchilar prospect, Sabail district, Baku.
Phone: (012) 598-01-47 (ext. 105), Fax: (012) 598-01-52.
Contact: Natig Madatov.