
Last week review

Politics Materials 1 August 2007 12:00 (UTC +04:00)

23 July

•Azerbaijani Labour Ministry held labour fair in Khizi

•'Red Sormovo' completed construction series of 'Euro kruizer' dry cargo for Palmali

•Two heads of postal branches were dismissed from their position in Azerbaijan

24 July

•Sate Oil Company of Azerbaijan (SOCAR) commenced operation of new well in Gunashli field.

25 July

•State Oil Company of Azerbaijan (SOCAR) renewed production of liquefied gas

•State Committee on State Property Management of Azerbaijan held investment competition

•Moody's Investors Service appropriated Bank Standard's rating B1

• Azerbaijan attended at the workshop of ICARDA on selection

26 July

•Communication and Information Technology Ministry of Azerbaijan issued license for rendering postal services

•State Committee on Securities made decisions on issues of non-documentary nominal shares of AtaLizing

• Italy, Turkey and Greece signed gas agreement

•The first stage of grant competition of 'Information society -new stage of development' completed

•Bank Respublika and the Europen Bank for Reconstruction and Development signed an agreement on syndicated credits

•The round-table of 'Membership of Azerbaijan at the World Trade Organization: Problems and ways of resolution of the sector of intellectual property' was held

27 July

•Korean KNOC and Shell signed an agreement on negotiation of business participation in Azerbaijani oil project

•Sumgayit Compressorlar' Plc was sold at the investment competition

•The Azerbaijani Government canceled Value Added Tax on exporting grain to the country

•Azerbaijani Tariff Council increased cost of water from Jeyranbatan reservoir

•Azerbaijani Tariff Council considered services of state registration of medical product

•Agriculture Ministry made decision on allocation subsidies to agriculture producers in a range of Azerbaijani regions

28 July

•Nexant commenced development of feasibility study on establishment of petrochemical complex in Azerbaijan

•The Azerbaijani President issued decree on approving State conception to back non-governmental organizations

• Switzerland made decision on technical assistance to Azerbaijan to join WTO

Azerbaijan and the International Bank for Development and Reconstruction Signed Credit Agreement on Real Estate Registration Draft

