Azerbaijan, Baku, Dec. 20 / Trend E.Ismayilov /
The Azeri-Chirag-Gunashli PSA was signed in September 1994. The agreement provides for the development of the contract area within 30 years. Production in the Chirag field commenced in 1997, on Central Azeri at the beginning of 2005, West Azeri at the beginning of 2006, East Azeri at the end of 2006, deepwater Gunashli in spring 2008.
In 2010, there were changes in the composition and percentage of the project's participants, with American Davon selling its stake in the project. As a result, equity Devon in the ACG in the amount of 5.63 percent was divided between BP (3.29 percent) and firms Chevron (0.99 percent), Inpex (0.96 percent) and Itocu (0.38 percent), using their preemptive right to acquire.
Thus, BP's share in the ACG project reached 37.43 percent, while companies Chevron, Inpex, Itocu acquired 11.27 percent, 10.96 percent and 4.3 percent respectively. The remaining part belongs to AzACG with 10 percent, Statoil with 8.56 percent, Exxon with 8 percent, TPAO with 6.75 percent and Hess with 2.72 percent.
The required investment is about $20 billion.
Project Status
According to the forecasts of the ACG operator - BP-up, in 2010 the oil prodection from the ACG will be 42.1 million tons compared to over 40.3 million tons in 2009. As of Dec.16, 2010, the figure is 42.5 million tons of oil.
As part of the ACG project, the major event in 2010 was the sanctioning of the project to develop production - a Chirag Oil Project (COP) aimed at building a new platform -"West Chirag". BP, in particular, has launched drilling of 16 wells in advance.
Chirag involves investments of $6 billion.
The estimated daily volume of Azeri Light crude oil from the new platform will hit 183,000 barrels. The expected daily volume of associated gas from the new platform will exceed 6.5 million cubic meters. The estimated daily volume of gas pumped at the platform will hit 2.3 million cubic meters.
Advance drilling within the project will cover from the second half of 2010 to the first half of 2012. Advance drilling will be implemented using the Dede Gorgud installation during this period. The first production from the platform is scheduled for late 2013.
In total, it is planned to produce 300 million barrels of oil within the project.
The contract on development of off-shore Shah Deniz field was signed on 4 June 1996. Shah Deniz participating interests are: ВР (operator - 25.5%), StatoilHydro (25.5%), SOCAR (10%), LukAgip (10%), NICO (10%), Total (10%), and TPAO (9%). Gas production from the field began in December 2006. Gas is transported to Georgia and Turkey through the South Caucasus gas pipeline. Azerbaijan also purchases the fuel.
Project status
In 2010, about 7.6bln cu m of gas and 2.01mln cu m of condensate is planned to be produced from Shah Deniz. The gas is exported via the SCP pipeline and condensate via the Baku-Tbili-Ceyhan. As of Dec.16, this year 6.8 billion cubic meters of gas were produced at the Shah Deniz field.
In 2009, gas production from the Shah Deniz field comprised 6.2 billion cubic meters of gas and 1.7 million tons of condensate.
Now, gas production at Shah Deniz field is carried out from four wells, among which one well is located on the platform and is in a state of partial preservation because of its poor condition. This year, drilling was completed at the sixth production well and currently, work is underway on its development and delivery into operation to provide for the following year.
Work began on appraisal drilling to fully develop Shah Deniz (Shah Deniz-2) and it is expected that drilling SDX-06 may be completed next spring.
Absheron project Participants includes SOCAR (State Oil Company of Azerbaijan) - 40 percent, the French company Total - 40 percent and Gaz De France Suez - 20 percent.
The contract on the Absheron field signed Feb. 27, 2009 between SOCAR and Total. Later Total sold 20 percent of its equity participation in the contract to the company Gaz De France Suez. This is the, the most major oil and gas contract that has been concluded in Azerbaijan recently. The cost of the first exploration well is estimated at $100 million.
Project Status
In December 20100-January 2011, the project is scheduled to begin drilling the first exploration well. Further drilling will depend on the results of this well.
Drilling rig named after Heydar Aliyev (operator Maersk Drilling) will carry out the drilling of exploratory wells, with the delay in commencing the drilling operations connected with the installation of exploratory drilling on the structure of "Rakushecnoe Sea" in the Kazakh sector of the Caspian Sea.
According to SOCAR geologists, the Absheron field's reserves may comprise 300 billion cubic meters of gas and 45 million tons of condensate.
Total company is well familiar with the Absheron project, as it had been a participant in the first contract on the field before closing. Earlier a consortium of companies operated in Absheron operated by U.S. ChevronTexaco. This contract involved Total, but after drilling of the well the reserves were found commercially unattractive. Absheron participating interests were: U.S. ChevronTexaco (operator) - 30%, SOCAR - 50% and Total - 20%.
Dec.22, 2009, SOCAR signed a PSA contract with Bahar Energy Limited for the exploration, rehabilitation and development of the Bahar and Gum Deniz offshore fields in the Azerbaijan sector of the Caspian Sea. Under the contract, SOCAR's equity is 20 percent and Bahar Energy Limited-80 percent.
Bahar Energy Limited was registered in the Jebel Ali Free Trade Zone in the UAE. SOCAR signed a memorandum of understanding with the firm April 16, 2009.
Project Status
The contract consists of two parts. The first involves the rehabilitation and stabilization of production on the field and the second - the exploration of the Bahar-2 promising structure.
Initially, Bahar Energy Limited planned to drill 50 new wells. Later on, the companies are expected to repair and restore 100 wells.
The contract is concluded for 25 years with the option of renewing for the next five years. Initially, SOCAR's share of profitable hydrocarbons will amount to 40 percent. In the future the share will increase to 90 percent. The investment will hit $1 billion.
About 70 percent of the production from this unit of fields will be implemented with new platforms that will be built. Also, it is planned to make maximum use of existing infrastructure. However, it is necessary to create a new infrastructure.
Under the second part of the contract, which involves the exploration of the Bahar-2 structure, plans include drilling one exploration well in three years and another in the fourth year.
Under the contract, SOCAR will receive 170,000 tons of oil and 630 million cubic meters of gas within three years.
In relation to the 2008 production at the fields should be increased in 1.5 times. In 2008, the Bhar filed produced 195 million cubic meters of gas and 54,000-55,000 tons of oil.
Gum Deniz has operated since 1955 and is located 21 kilometers southeast of Baku. So far, the field has produced about 28.9 million tons of oil and 27 billion cubic meters of gas.
Bahar has operated since 1969 and is located 40 kilometers southeast of Baku. So far, the field has produced over 16.8 million tons of oil and approximately 128.7 billion cubic meters of gas.
SOCAR and the British BP today signed a PSA for exploration and development of promising structures "Shafag" and "Asiman" in the Azerbaijani sector of the Caspian Sea in October ,2010.
The contract was signed for 30 years. Exploration period will be four years, with possibility of extension for three years. Two wells are planned to be drilled within the first phase. Two more wells will be drilled if necessary within the second one.
In the operational period the sides will implement joint operatorship within the project. Share participation in the contract is expected on the scheme 50 to 50 percent.
Stocks of the structure are estimated at 300 -500 billion cubic meters of gas.
"Shafag" and "Asiman" structures are located 125 kilometers to the south-east of Baku. SOCAR and BP signed a memorandum on "Mutual understanding" on the joint exploration and development of "Shafag" and "Asiman" in London in July 2009
Exploration work has not been conducted on the block before. It is located in the depth of 650-800 m. with the depth of the reservoir at 7,000 meters.
Under the "Contract of the Century" signed by Azerbaijan in 1994, BP and its partners in the Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli project have the right to develop oil layers lying to Fasile (Break) suite. Based on the PSA, development of the lower horizons is the subject of a separate agreement.
Judging by other Azerbaijani offshore fields, one can argue that productive stratum placed after Fasile, namely the sandy suites Nadkirmakinsk and Podkirmakinsk and Gala, also contain hydrocarbons.
The deep gas reserves in the Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli field are estimated at 500 billion cubic meters. The deep gas production is also planned under the new PSA.
At present, SOCAR is considering proposals on development of the deep free gas at the Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli fields.
Inam participating interests were: SOCAR (50%), BP (25%), the Korean National Oil Corporation (20%) and RD/Shell (5%). Under the contract, had industrial oil reserves been found in the field, the field would have been operated for 25 years. Oil reserves were estimated there at 1.4-2bln bbl.
Project Status
Drilling of the second exploration well in Inam by BP found no commercial hydrocarbon reserves. The company eliminated the second exploration wells in this area. When drilling the company almost reached the design depth of 5,350 meters, but no commercial hydrocarbon reserves were found.
Under the Inam PSA, two exploration wells were planned to be drilled in the field. In 2001, the first exploration well INX-1 with project depth of 5,025 meters was drilled in the field. However, an accident took place on the well after which it was closed. This well was credited as fulfillment of obligations. Thus, all exploration obligations of the companies were fulfilled. No commercial hydrocarbon reserves were found.
The well was drilled in the contracted area covering about 225 sq km 140km south of Baku. Water depth in the contracted area ranges from 45 meters in the north to 200 meters in the south. Minimal depth of the so-called "bank of Inam" is four meters.
YALAMA (Block D-222)
The contract was signed on 3 June 1997. Block Yalama (D-222) is the part of the largest structure in north-east part of Caspian and is located in equal parts in the Azerbaijani and Russian sections of the Caspian Sea in 30km on offshore distance. The depth of water around Yalama differs between 80 and 700 m. A set of agreements on additional terms of exploration and development of the block D-222 was signed in 2003, providing for an increase in the interests of LUKoil in the project to 80% and extending the contract area to 3,000 sq km.
An agreement on sale of LUKoil Overseas 15% of the Yalama interests to the French company Gaz de France was signed in 2008. At present, share holding in the project is as follows: LUKOIL 65%, SOCAR 20% and Gaz de France 15%.
Project Status
Drilling of the second exploration well in the Yalama field began in October 2008. In 2009, LUKOIL has completed drilling of the well. No commercial hydrocarbon reserves were found.
In 2004, seismic research on the block was completed and drilling of an exploration well commenced. The first exploration well was drilled in 2005. No commercial hydrocarbon reserves were found.
Earlier LUKOIL Head Vagit Alakbarovb said that the Yalama project in the Azerbaijani sector of the Caspian Sea is frozen. The company does not plan to invest in the project further and defrost it in the future.
Araz-Alov-Sharg participating interests are: BP (operator) - 15%, Norwegian Statoil - 15%, U.S. ExxonMobil - 15%, Turkish TPAO - 10%, Canadian Alberta Energy - 5% and SOCAR - 40%. Required investments make up about $4bln.
Project Status
The project will remain frozen until the Caspian Sea status has been agreed upon between Azerbaijan and Iran.
The contract on development of offshore Ashrafi-Dan Ulduzu block of fields was signed on Dec. 14, 1996. Ashrafi-Dan Ulduzu participating interests were: BP - 30%, Unocal - 25.5%, Itochu - 20%, Delta Hess - 4.5%, SOCAR - 20%.
Project Status
The contract was closed due to discovery of commercially unattractive volume of hydrocarbons.
The project to develop offshore Atashgah-Yanan-Tava-Mugan-Deniz fields was operated by Japanese JAPEX possessing 22.5% in the project. Participating interests were: SOCAR 50%, Japanese INPEX - 12.5%, ITOCHU - 7.5% and Teikoku - 7.5%.
Required investments in the project are estimated at $2.3bln.
Project Status
The contract was closed due to commercially unattractive volume of hydrocarbons.
The first contract for development of promising offshore Zafar-Mashal field was signed between the U.S. ExxonMobil and SOCAR on Apr. 27, 1999. SOCAR possessed 50% and ExxonMobil 30%. In 2000, the remaining 20% was transferred to the U.S. ConocoPhillips.
Required investments in the project were estimated at $2bln and projected volume of oil reserves at 140mln tons, of which 100mln came from Zafar and 40mln from Mashal.
Project Status
The contract was closed due to commercially unattractive volume of hydrocarbons.
The first contract on the development of the perspective offshore structure of Nakhchivan was signed on 1 Aug. 1997. The parties to the contract were ExxonMobil - 50%, SOCAR - 50%.
Project Status
In March 2010, SOCAR and German RWE signed a memorandum of understanding on offshore perspective structure "Nakhchivan". Under the terms of the memorandum, companies must undertake all necessary work to prepare PSA by March 10, 2011.
The field's reserve is projected at around 300 billion cubic meters of gas and 40 million tons of gas condensate.
The project to develop offshore Garabag field was signed on Nov. 10, 1995. Garabag participating interests were: LukAgip - 45.5%, Pennzoil - 30%, LUKOIL - 12%, Agip - 5%, SOCAR - 7.5%.
Project Status
The contract was closed due to commercially unattractive volume of hydrocarbons.
Contract on exploration and development of the block of offshore fields Kurdashi-Araz-Deniz and Kirgan-Deniz was signed on June 2, 1998 between SOCAR - 50%, Italian Agip - 25%, Japanese Mitsui -15%, Turkish TPAO - 5% and Spanish Repsol - 5%.
The reserves of each of the structures were evaluated at 90-100mln tons of oil.
Project Status
The project was closed due to failure to discover commercially attractive volumes of hydrocarbons.
The contract on development of offshore perspective structures of Lankaran-Talish-Deniz was signed on Jan. 13, 1997. The parties to the project are Total - 35%, OIEC - 10%, Wintershall - 30%, SOCAR - 25%.
Project Status
The project was closed due to failure to discover commercially attractive volumes of hydrocarbons.
The contract on the development of the perspective offshore structure of Lerik-Deniz was signed on April 27, 1999. The parties to the contract were: SOCAR - 50%, ExxonMobil - 30%, other foreign oil companies - 20%.
Project Status
The project was closed due to failure to discover commercially attractive volumes of hydrocarbons.
The contract on the development of the perspective offshore structure of Oguz was signed 1 Aug. 1997. The parties to the contract were ExxonMobil - 50%, SOCAR - 50%.
Project Status
The project was closed due to failure to discover commercially attractive volumes of hydrocarbons.
The contract on the development of the perspective offshore structure of Savalan was signed on Apr. 27, 1999.
Project Status
Now the contract has not been ratified by the Parliament of Azerbaijan. The parties to the contract are ExxonMobil - 30%, SOCAR - 50%, and 20 remains undistributed.