
Presentation of two-volume edition В"Future decade: Objectives and basic directions of democratic reforms in AzerbaijanВ"

Politics Materials 19 April 2006 16:44 (UTC +04:00)

A two-volume edition В"Future decade: Objectives and basic directions of democratic reforms in AzerbaijanВ" compiled based on the project by Public forum In the name of Azerbaijan, was presented to public. Trend reports that in presentation were partaking representatives of embassies, deputies and heads of NGOs.

Eldar Namazov, head of Public forum In the name of Azerbaijan, said 48 round table meetings had been arranged during two years under the project. В"Different experts speeches said at these meetings have been compiled in this editionВ", - he explained. The books reflect opinions and suggestions on building civil society

in Azerbaijan. They also display opinions on the countrys next decade. В"However, we fell unable to over all spheres in these books. We decided to continue the project and heighten public attention at political and economic reformsВ", - Namazov said.

The aforesaid project is financed by Avraisya Foundation, Norwegian Embassy and Open Society Institute. People speaking at the presentation highly evaluated the issue of the books that shares experts opinions on common economy, industry and agriculture, as well as development of Azerbaijans regions.

