A meeting of All-Russian Congress of Azerbaijanis dedicated to the results of the outgoing 2006 has been held in Moscow, Shakir Salimov, the Chief of a Department of the State Committee for Affairs with Azerbaijanis Living Abroad, informed Trend.
Mr. Salimov, who participated in the meeting of the Congress, said that discussions concerning the activity of the Organization in 2006 as well as forthcoming activities were held. The activity of the Congress in 2006 was evaluated as very positive. Recently adopted migration bill as well as difficulties our compatriots may face was discussed. Corresponding commissions were given to chiefs of the regional organizations of the Congress in order to render aid to the compatriots and solve problems Azerbaijanis face. The Head of the Regional Organization of the Congress on each Russian Federal Okrug (Region) is the Vice-President of the Congress as well. Mammadbaghir Aliyev, an oncologist, a Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences is the President of the All-Russian Congress of Azerbaijanis.