Azerbaijan, Baku, 13 March / Trend corr. U.Ismayilova / Labour Inspection at the Labour and Social Protection Ministry of Azerbaijan noted about reinforcing of attention to secure the labour of the country and increase the number of labour agreements.
"It is difficult for me to tell the exact percentage of observed improvement, which will be announced by the end of this quarter," Nabi Shukurlu, head of Labor Inspection reported.
Inspection started active checks in the building sector after 16-storeyed building collapsed in Baku City on 28 August. As a result of which, twenty-five people died. One of the reasons for collapse was the violation of technical security rules by the company. Labour Inspection holds regular monitoring in the building sector in order to provide normal labor condition, technical security for the workers, as well as signing of labour agreements. Labour inspection revealed some violations during the monitoring.
In the most of the cases, the labour agreements show the sum of salary in sum of AZN 60 while the average wages in the building sector comprise AZN 250 or 300.
In spite of the operation, most building companies were suspended because of the certain violations, therefore, there are still problems in this sphere, Shukurlu said.
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