
Azerbaijani-Montenegrin Joint Commission on Economic Cooperation assembles

Business Materials 28 June 2024 18:07 (UTC +04:00)
Lada Yevgrashina
Lada Yevgrashina
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BAKU, Azerbaijan, June 28. A business forum was held in the city of Podgorica within the framework of the 3rd session of the Joint Commission on Economic Cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Government of Montenegro, Trend reports via AZPROMO.

Addressing the forum, Minister of Labor and Social Protection of Azerbaijan (co-chairman of the Commission from Azerbaijan) Sahil Babayev noted that relations between the countries are developing in the spirit of friendship and cooperation.

According to him, Azerbaijan is one of the main investors in Montenegro, but there is still untapped potential for cooperation in the energy and transport sectors, as well as in trade.

The trade turnover between the two countries increased by 54.32 percent in 2023.

During the event, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Montenegro for Economic Policy, Minister of Economic Development Nik Gjeloshaj noted that increasing trade turnover between the countries is one of the main objectives of the development of cooperation.

Meanwhile, the role of business forums in this process was emphasized.

The Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Montenegro highly appreciated the prospects of the implementation of joint projects in tourism, logistics, and agriculture.

Furthermore, representatives of AZPROMO, the Economic Chamber, and the Investment Agency of Montenegro made presentations on the investment environment of the countries, including promising projects implemented in the countries.

Besides officials from both countries, the event was attended by representatives of companies representing tourism, construction, industry, cosmetics, food, beverages, logistics, and information technology sectors.

Babayev and Gjeloshaj signed the Protocol on the Results of the 3rd Meeting of the Joint Commission. The document reflects the future directions of cooperation.

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