Azerbaijan, Baku, June 3 / Trend K. Zarbaliyeva /
Some forces in Turkey, using the situation with the capture of international humanitarian 'Freedom Fleet' by Israel, try to achieve the cooling of relations between Turkey and Azerbaijan, the Center for Political Innovations and Technologies head Mubariz Ahmedoglu said at a press conference today.
The reaction of Azerbaijan on the incident is consistent with the policy pursued by the Turkish government, political analyst said.
"Azerbaijan has supported Turkey on this issue and defended its position. Actions of protest were held in front of the Israeli Embassy in Azerbaijan. The Caucasus Muslims Office issued a statement condemning the seizure. Azerbaijani press did not publish a single anti-Turkish article. While some Arab and Turkic-speaking countries keep silent, the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry issued a statement on the incident. All this testifies to the support of Turkey by the Azerbaijani society, " Ahmedoglu said.
Turkey must conduct a stable policy on this issue. One can not demonstrate "either excessive severity or excessive leniency in relations with Israel," political analyst said.
"Freedom Flotilla" consists of six vessels. There were about 600 activists from Europe and Arab countries, including dozens of deputies on the board. The rally was organized by human rights activists from Ireland, Sweden, Greece, Turkey, Algeria and Kuwait. They intended to bring 10,000 tons of humanitarian supplies, including medicines and construction materials to the Gaza Strip. According to the world media, about 19 people died during Israeli special operation. Israel confirmed that 10 people died.