Baku, Azerbaijan, May 2
BHOS and SOCAR Polymer LLC came to agreement on mutual cooperation. Chief executive of SOCAR Polymer Farid Jafarov, representatives of SOCAR Polymer, BHOS management, professors, lecturers and students took part at the event. BHOS rector Elmar Gasimov opened the meeting with the welcome speech. He mainly emphasized that he was proud of the fact that young Azerbaijani specialists were realizing the huge construction project referred to SOCAR Polymer. Gasimov assessed the mentioned project as the characteristics of development of economics, non-oil sector, industry and in total the future of our country. While mentioning the perspective growth of need in engineering specialists resulting from the construction of SOCAR Polymer plant, BHOS rector stressed it would entail the broad job opportunities for BHOS students. To conclude Gasimov said that cooperation existing between BHOS and SOCAR Polymer would be incentive for training highly qualified specialists on chemical engineering and dissemination of knowledge as part of lifelong learning conception.
Jafarov said he was pleased to be at the higher educational institution involved in education and training English speaking highly qualified specialists. He also added that this very fact would ensure bright future of Azerbaijani industry. Jafarov stressed that the cooperation between BHOS and SOCAR Polymer would enable training and education highly qualified specialists in the field of chemical engineering at BHOS based on the contemporary academic programs, creation of education and research centers on chemical engineering and carrying out joint works in other directions. Jafarov made detailed presentation related to SOCAR Polymer construction project. After presentations made by SOCAR Polymer specialists who worked at various sites of the former BHOS students had opportunity to join questions and answers session. Then cooperation agreement between BHOS and SOCAR Polymer was signed.
According to the agreement, leading specialists of SOCAR Polymer will be engaged in teaching activity at BHOS as part of training specialists at BHOS, organization of trips to the sites of SOCAR Polymer for BHOS students and offering internship opportunities at the SOCAR Polymer sites for BHOS students, joint organization of workshops and conferences on the development of chemical technologies.