Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, Dec 6, Trend / G.Hasanov
Guvlyduz factory of Turkmenchemistry State Concern announced the tender for goods supplies at national currency under the following lots:
Lot 2 - offsite, technological equipment:
1) Machine for salt packaging in a soft pack for 500 grams, 1,000 grams, 1,500 grams (TDS 10354-82 polyethylene film of 0.06-0.07 mm thickness) with a capacity of at least 80 pockets per minute
2) Machine for salt packaging in paper boxes from 500 to 1000
3) The paperboard of consumer packaging TDS 7933-89 with capacity at least 25 boxes per minute
All interested organizations and businesses can send their proposals to the Balkan Velayat, etrap S. Turkmenbashi, smt. Guvlymayak, Guvlyduz.
Tender bids are accepted within 10 days of publication of the announcement.
Participation fees in the tender is 230 (two hundred thirty) manats per Lot to the account 623 301 CCH <
Contact phone: 800 243 2-32-36, 2-34-16, (993) 65-66-09-63, 64-16-18-49, 65-92-69-97