
Iran produces 5 million doses of domestic Noora COVID-19 vaccine

Society Materials 8 December 2021 17:38 (UTC +04:00)

TEHRAN, Iran, Dec. 8


President of the Iranian Baqiyatullah University of Medical Sciences Hassan Abu Al-Qasimi, announced the possibility of using the Noora vaccine as a COVID-19 booster shot, Trend reports citing Tasnim News Agency.

Noora is a COVID-19 vaccine developed by Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences in Iran.

The vaccine had entered the second phase of clinical trials.

"After getting the license for beginning of the third phase of human testing of the vaccine, we will start studying the Nora vaccine for possibility to be used as a "booster shot”, said Al-Qasimi.

He noted that over 5 million doses of the Noora vaccine have been prepared, which will be provided to the Ministry of Health after its approval.

