
Weekly tenders in the region (May 13-17)

Analysis Materials 21 May 2013 17:15 (UTC +04:00)

Uzbek chemical plant announces tender for ammonia production complex construction

The Navoiazot Company is Uzbekistan's largest chemical plant. It has announced a tender for an ammonia production complex construction with a starting price of $800 million, an Uzhimprom company representative told Trend today.

According to the tender terms, the winner must deal with a turnkey construction of the complex which will produce 900,000 tons of ammonia and one million tons of carbamide.

Bids will be accepted until July 9. The tender results will be summarised in the third quarter of this year.

The project worth $980 million will be financed through foreign loans and funds from the Uzbek side.

Navoiazot which is the former Navoi chemical plant was commissioned in 1964 and specialises in the production of nitrogen fertilisers and nitronic fibres, as well as the integrated product of organic synthesis.

According to the official statistics, the carbamide production increased by 1.7 per cent up to 513,500 tons in Uzbekistan in 2012.

Burren Resourses Petroleum Ltd announces tenders in Turkmenistan

A subsidiary of Burren Resourses Petroleum Ltd in Turkmenistan has announced a number of tenders:

ITT 2013/100083 - for the supply of equipment for well development and provision of engineering services for the development of wells.

Closing date: 17:00 (local time) on June 7, 2013.

All interested parties should send an official request to the coordinator of the department of contracts and procurement (e-mail:[email protected], [email protected]) to receive a formal invitation for participation in the tender.

ITT2013-100092 - for the supply of UV-fluorescence oil analyzer in water with supplies.
Closing date: 17:00 (local time) on June 17, 2013.

All interested parties should send an official request to the email address: [email protected] to receive an official invitation to participate in the tender.

ITT2013/100110 - the supply of steel for the modified circuit piping around the inlet separator.

Closing date: 17:00 (local time) on June 10, 2013.

All interested parties should send an official request to the Procurement Specialist at the Department of contracts and procurement (e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]) to receive a formal invitation for participation in the tender.

ITT 2013/100114 - for the supply of steel for emergency drain well.

Closing date: 17:00 (local time) on June 13, 2013.

All interested parties should send an official request to the Procurement Specialist at the Department of contracts and procurement (e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]) to receive an official invitation to participate in the tender.

Turkmenistan announces tender for constriction of international university

The Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan has announced an international tender for the design and 'turnkey' construction of buildings and structures belonging to the joint Turkmen-Turkish University which is expected to serve 3,000 students in Ashgabat.

All interested organizations, enterprises and firms are invited to do the following:
submit a written application for participation in the tender, indicating full name, legal status, country of registration and details to the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan at the following address: Archabil Avenue, 104, Ashgabat;

The tender documents package can be obtained by paying $200.

Bids should be sent to the Bids Acceptance Commission by May 23, 2013,16.00 (domestic time).

The account will be specified upon submitting a written application to the tender.

Bid packages can be submitted to the above mentioned address since the publication of the notice and are accepted for consideration after receipt of money on the account.

For more information call: (99312) 44-86-49, 44-86-51.

Turkmen Oil and Gas Complex to purchase motor vehicles

The State Concern Turkmenneftegazstroy announces a tender to purchase material and technical resources for its own needs.

Lot No.4 - motor and tractor

To participate in the tender interested individuals are required:

- Submit a written application for participation in the tender indicating the full name of the participant, legal status and country of registration, details and contact information.

- read the rules of the competitive selection of suppliers of material and technical products for the oil and gas complex of Turkmenistan;

- to get specification of the lot and technical requirements;

- obtain tender documents by paying 230 (two hundred thirty) manat.

The account for payment transfer will be specified upon submitting a written application.

Bids will be accepted until 12:00 on May 24, 2013 at the address: Ashgabat, Archabyl Shaely, 56, 11st floor, State Concern Turkmenneftegazstroy

E-mail: [email protected]

Tel: (99312) 40-35-10, 40-35-69, fax: 40-35-81.

UN announces tender in Turkmenistan to assess climate risks

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Turkmenistan announces a tender for the provision of consulting services for the assessment of climate risks at the level of local communities and conduct mapping in the project areas of Nohur, Bokurdak and Sakarchaga.

One can get detailed specification of the consulting companies, as well as detailed terms of reference at: Ashgabat, Str. 1995 (Galkinish), Apt. 40, UN reception, or on the website: www.undptkm.org under "Tenders".

Completed documents must be submitted to the UN reception in a sealed envelope with the number of tender RFP-TKM-004-2013, or send an email to: registry.tm @ undp.org within 10 days from the date of the announcement.

Only successful applicants will be notified.

Petronas Charigali announces tender in Turkmenistan

Petronas Charigali Company (local branch - PETRONAS CARIGALI (TURKMENISTAN) SDN BHD PC(TC)SB is inviting companies to participate in a tender.

- PCT/OPS/K/2013/002 - The provision of mechanical compressors for PETRONAS CARIGALI (TURKMENISTAN) SDN BHD.

To participate in the tender, companies should submit the following documents:
An application letter for participation in the tender (mention the number and the name of the tender); a letter of attorney to an accredited representative on the right to submit an application; copies of registration documents of a company in Turkmenistan (for affiliated branches); List of relevant work experience.

Applications are admitted during working hours (8.00 - 17.00, local time) during 14 (fourteen) calendar days since the date of announcement at 81, Beyik Saparmurat Turkmenbashi Shayoly, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan or by e-mail: [email protected]

Turkmenistan to purchase drilling equipment

The State Concern Turkmenkhimia again announces an international tender to purchase products on the following lot:

Lot No.2 - All-factory, technological and drilling equipment

Interested parties must:
- submit a written application to participate in the tender, indicating full name, legal status, country of registration and details.
-get familiarized with rules of tender on selection of contractors for design and construction of production and social facilities and fishery of Turkmenistan
-get specification of lot and technical requirements;
-obtain tender documents by paying $200 per lot + 15% VAT

Account for money transfer will be indicated while making written bid.

All these documents should be submitted at the following address: Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, Turkmen Hero A. Niyazov prospect, 11.

Packages with tender proposals will be considered after getting funds on account.

Tender proposals are received from 09:00 to 12:00 local time.

Deadline for tender proposals is 17:00, June 5, 2013

Tel: (99312) 41-20-87, 41-20-73.

Turkmenistan to purchase motor vehicles

The State Concern Turkmenkhimia again announces an international tender to purchase products on the following lot:

Lot No.4 - Motor and tractor, components and spare parts

Interested parties must:
- submit a written application to participate in the tender, indicating full name, legal status, country of registration and details.
-get familiarized with rules of tender on selection of contractors for design and construction of production and social facilities and fishery of Turkmenistan
-get specification of lot and technical requirements;
-obtain tender documents by paying $200 per lot + 15% VAT

Account for money transfer will be indicated while making written bid.

All these documents should be submitted at the following address: Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, Turkmen Hero A. Niyazov prospect, 11.

Packages with tender proposals will be considered after getting funds on account.

Tender proposals are received from 09:00 to 12:00 local time.

Deadline for tender proposals is 17:00, June 5, 2013

Tel: (99312) 41-20-87, 41-20-73.

Turkmen Oil and Gas Complex prolongs tender on procurement

The Logistics Department of the Turkmenneftegazstroy State Concern announces a tender to purchase products on the following lot.

Lot No.4 - motor and tractor technology, components and spare parts

To participate in the tender interested individuals are required:

- Submit a written application for participation in the tender indicating the full name of the participant, legal status and country of registration, details and contact information.

- read the rules of the competitive selection of suppliers of material and technical products for the oil and gas complex of Turkmenistan;

- to get specification of the lot and technical requirements;

- obtain tender documents by paying 230 (two hundred thirty) manat.

The account for payment transfer will be specified upon submitting a written application.
Packages with tender bids must be delivered to the above mentioned address in two envelopes after the notice is published.

The first envelope should include the full technical characteristics and requirements of the products offered, as well as all tender documents.

The second envelope should include only proposal on prices.

Bids will be accepted until 11:00 on May 30, 2013 at the address: apt.1, 2003 (Mollanepes), Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.

Tel: +99312924625, +99312924632.

Turkmen gas company to purchase electrical equipment and pipes

Turkmengas State Concern has announced a tender for the purchase of material and technical resources for its own needs.

Lot No.1- Tubular products.
Lot No.3- Electrical equipment, control equipment, automation and communication equipment.

All interested parties should:

- Submit a written request to participate in the tender indicating the participant's full name, legal status, country of registration and bank details to the following address: Ashgabat, 1939, 56 Archabil Avenue, 13th floor, Turkmengas. (Applications from companies registered or with bank accounts in offshore areas will not be considered).

- Read the Rules of competitive selection of suppliers of material and technical products for the oil and gas complex of Turkmenistan;

- Receive lot specifications and technical requirements;

- Obtain tender documents by paying $230 (two hundred thirty) per lot.

Tender proposals must be submitted by:
16:00 local time on May 27, 2013 (for lot No. 1);
16.00 local time on June 4, 2013 (for lot No. 3)

Proposals received after the aforementioned date will not be considered. The account to which fees will be transferred to will be specified upon the submission of a written application.

Packages with tender bids may be sent to the aforementioned address starting on the date of publication of this notice and will be reviewed after the receipt of funds in the account.

E-mail address: [email protected]:[email protected]

For more information, please call: (99312) 40-37-45 (fax), 40-37-39, 40-37-40, 40-37-42.

