14 January
Monitoring to reveal 'bird flu' was postponed due to ban weather conditions in Azerbaijan
Rotterdam Court cancelled hearing of witnesses on lawsuit of Maltese FIM Bank againt Azerbaijan Government
15 January
Azerbaijan's Ministry of Transport prepared technical tasks for the project on establishment of intellectual transport management system in Baku
'Single window' system was presented to representatives of diplomatic missions of Azerbaijan
'Labor security in construction sector' was held by Azerbaijan's Ministry of Labor and Social Protection
State Official Statistic Improvement Program in Nakchivan approved
A working group was established to create single register for commercial organization registration in Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan's Cabinet of Ministers approved authorities of State Migration Service
Asian Development opened a credit line for Azerbaijan to finance large road project
16 January
Meeting of Azerbaijani Ministry of Communications & Information Technologies took place dedicated to results of 2007
Azerbaijan received first dividends from Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline
Large electricity-distributing networks in Azerbaijan were transferred to management
American company privatized Azerbaijan's State share in telecommunication JV
State Oil Company of Azerbaijan transferred to international financial account system
Head of Council on Co-ordination of Internet communication in Azerbaijan was appointed
17 January
Azerbaijani President attended ceremony of re-establishing gas supply to Azerbaijan's district of Agjebedi
Center for Economic Studies highlighted 30% increase of inflation in Azerbaijan in 2007
New IMF manager for Azerbaijan commenced activity
Paid services in State medical institutions in Azerbaijan were cancelled
AzRosPromInvest held presentation of its products in Russian market
18 January
New Head was appointed to Azerbaijan Mortgage Fund
New organization was established in Azerbaijan for gas reception and sale
Azerbaijan's Cabinet of Ministers approved members of Board of Azerbaijan's Ministry of Communications
Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan re-established economic co-operation
American bank received permission to open its representation in Azerbaijan
19 January
Azerbaijan initiated implementation of 'single window' system on borders for business registration