
U.S. to strengthen Georgia’s nuclear security

Politics Materials 27 February 2009 13:25 (UTC +04:00)

Georgia, Tbilisi, Feb. 27 / Trend , N.Kirtzkhalia/

A supplement was signed to the U.S.-Georgian agreement on "Priority Measures to Improve Ways to Combat Nuclear-Materials Smuggling" at the Georgian Foreign Ministry on Feb. 27.

Georgian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Nalbandov, First Deputy Interior Minister Ekaterina Zguladze, First Deputy Justice Minister Tinatin Burjaliani, Deputy Defense Minister Georgi Muchaidze, Deputy Environment and Natural Resources Protection Minister David Ioseliani and Deputy Chief Income Service Irakli Siradze and U.S. Ambassador to Georgia John Tefft signed the document.

The supplement envisages providing radioactive and nuclear security institutions with equipment and sharing information with the relevant U.S. bodies and training Georgian specialists.

"The supplement will enable us to ensure our country's security, as it was damaged due to the Russian aggression. It envisages training staff and providing equipment," Nalbandov told journalists.

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