
Turkmen President to visit Romania

Politics Materials 10 May 2011 19:13 (UTC +04:00)

Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, May 10 / Trend H. Hasanov /

Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhammadov plans to make an official visit to Romania in the coming days, an official Turkmen source said.
The issue of preparation was discussed at a recent government meeting.
"We consider the upcoming talks in Bucharest as a new important step towards strengthening and expanding the Turkmen-Romanian interaction, as well as further development of political dialogue and effective economic contacts in the European direction as a whole," Berdimuhammadov said.
During the scheduled visit several intergovernmental agreements will be signed.

Ashgabat and Bucharest hold the same positions on ensuring international energy security at the expense of diversification of energy resources supplies to sales markets.

Romania is directly interested in gaining direct access to the Turkmen gas. Romanian Transgaz is a participant of the Nabucco pipeline project, along with the Austrian OMV, Hungarian MOL, Bulgarian Bulgargaz, Turkish Botas and German RWE.
Europroject "Nabucco" is aimed at getting access to different natural fuel sources, including energy resources of the Caspian region, primarily from Azerbaijan and Central Asian states.

