
Iranian MP: Iran hands over its fundamental nuclear information to U.S., Israel in Geneva deal

Politics Materials 25 December 2013 19:16 (UTC +04:00)

Baku, Azerbaijan, Dec.25

By Fatih Karimov, Umid Niayesh - Trend: Iran handed over its fundamental nuclear information to the U.S. and, of course, Israel in Geneva deal in return for almost nothing, the Fars News Agency quoted MP, Zohre Tabibzade, as saying on December 25.

Limiting the level of enrichment to five percent was against the national interests and the NPT, as well, Tabibzade added.

In the most optimistic case, the country's nuclear activity will remain at the level of research in the next ten years, the MP said.

For the being time some 9000 centrifuges in Natanz nuclear site are producing in capacity of 2 tons per year, while some 10,000 first generation centrifuges with total capacity of 4 tons are ready to launch, Tabibzade said.

The MP also went on to note that Bushehr NPP needs some 30 tons of 5 percent enriched uranium fuel, adding that if Natanz site works with full production capacity, seven years will be needed to supply one year's fuel demand of the Bushehr plant.

Releasing $4 billion from total $100 billion frozen assets of Iran and issuing permit for purchasing airplane spare parts were just little concessions given to the country, according to the MP.

The U.S. and its Western allies suspect Iran of developing a nuclear weapon - something that Iran denies. The Islamic Republic on numerous occasions stated that it does not seek to develop nuclear weapons, using nuclear energy for medical research instead.

On November 24, 2013, Iran was able to reach an agreement with Western states regarding the nuclear program. Iran has agreed to curb some nuclear activities for six months in return for sanctions relief.

Then Iran and the P5+1 held four-day expert-level talks in Geneva to discuss the implementation of the nuclear deal struck last month. The negotiations ended on Dec. 22 without any result.

The next round of expert-level talks is scheduled to be held after New Year.

