
Azerbaijani Sheki Khan's Palace set to undergo restoration works - chief architect

Society Materials 23 May 2024 14:13 (UTC +04:00)
Farid Zohrabov
Farid Zohrabov
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BAKU, Azerbaijan, May 23. Repair and restoration works on Sheki Khan's Palace will begin in Azerbaijan, Chief Architect of the State Tourism Agency of Azerbaijan Nizami Gasimzadeh told Trend.

He noted that repair and restoration works on the fortress are being carried out on the territory of Sheki National Historical-Architectural Reserve “Yukhari Bash”.

According to him, repair and restoration works are being carried out in three buildings inside the fortress.

“These are the buildings of the Shebeke workshop (spectacular mosaics composed of thousands of tiny pieces of stained glass in wooden lattices of all shapes and sizes), the historical and local history museum, and a non-residential building. We will try to complete the work by the end of the year. In the next stages, after the repair and restoration work of these buildings, we will begin the restoration of the Palace of the Sheki Khans," Gasimzadeh stressed.

Sheki Xan Palace was built in 1752–1762 as the summer residence of Hussein-khan Mushtad, grandson of Haji Chelebi Khan. The uniquely beautiful two-story palace features a magnificent interior and exterior.

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