
Kazakhstan's ShalkiyaZinc developing plans for enrichment plant construction

Business Materials 31 May 2020 14:58 (UTC +04:00)
Kazakhstan's ShalkiyaZinc developing plans for enrichment plant construction

BAKU, Azerbaijan, May 31

By Nargiz Sadikhova - Trend:

Kazakhstan’s ShalkiyaZinc Ltd JSC is starting designing an enrichment plant with a production capacity of 4 million tons of ore per year at the Shalkiya deposit, Trend reports with reference to Тau-Кеn Samruk JSC, the parent company of ShalkiyaZinc Ltd JSC.

The corresponding agreement was concluded with local KPSP design institute (Karaganda Promstroyproekt Institute). Following the completion of the design phase and state examination, a tender will be announced for the plant’s construction.

The design contractor (KPSP) was selected following an open tender.

The enrichment plant at the Shalkiya deposit will be designed taking into account the best world practices and technologies in the field of zinc and lead ore enrichment. Elements of Industry 4.0 will be integrated as much as possible into each of the stages of production from production to enrichment. The digitalization of the mine is carried out by local engineers of Kazgiprotsvetmet.

Director General of ShalkiyaZinc Ltd JSC Damir Karim noted that active work is being carried out with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) for the preparation of tenders for the construction of the mine, the supply of technological equipment and assignment of the Project Management Consulting (RMC) engineer. All these tenders will be held this year at the EBRD’s electronic competitive site.

The construction of the plant at Shalkiya is financed by borrowed funds of the EBRD and funds of ShalkiyaZinc LTD JSC.


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