
Iran increases capacity of its thermal power plants

Oil&Gas Materials 28 December 2021 13:35 (UTC +04:00)

BAKU, Azerbaijan, Dec. 28

By Elnur Baghishov – Trend:

In general, 1,000 megawatt-hours have been added to the electricity generation capacity of Iran's thermal power plants since the beginning current Iranian year (March 21, 2021), said Mohsen Tarztalab, Managing Director of Iran’s Thermal Power Plants Holding Company (TPPH), Trend reports citing the company’s website.

Thus, the electricity generation capacity of Iran's thermal power plants has increased to 70,000 megawatt-hours, according to Tarztalab.

He added that Iran has launched new units at 5 thermal power plants in the country since the 6th month of the current Iranian year (August 23, 2021), which has resulted in the increase.

"Currently, thermal power plants with 383 power units are managed by the private sector and can generate more than 47,000 megawatt-hours of electricity. This shows that 67 percent of thermal power plants in Iran are managed by the private sector," he said.

Tarztalab noted that by the end of the current Iranian year (March 20, 2022), more 500 megawatt-hours will be added to the electricity generation capacity of thermal power plants in the country.

A total of 587 units in 129 thermal power plants have been built in Iran. At present, 67 percent of Iran's thermal power plants are owned by the private sector, while 33 percent by the public sector.

The total capacity of Iran's power plants (thermal, hydroelectric, nuclear, renewable, and so on) is currently about 85,559 megawatt-hours. About 81 percent of which is accounted for thermal power plants.

The capacity of combined cycle power units is currently 31,179 megawatt-hours (36.4 percent), gas units – 21,992 megawatt-hours (25.7 percent), and steam units – 15,829 megawatt-hours (18.5 percent).


Follow the author on Twitter:@BaghishovElnur

