
Israel must guarantee to end conflict - Arab League

Arab World Materials 16 December 2010 04:56 (UTC +04:00)

The Arab League says there will be no more talks between the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Israel unless Tel Aviv "offers serious guarantees" on ending the conflict, PressTV reported.

"Resuming the negotiations will be conditioned on receiving a serious offer that guarantees an end to the Arab-Israeli conflict," Arab foreign ministers said in a statement read by Arab League chief, Amr Moussa, on Wednesday.

The decision was taken after a ministerial follow-up committee on talks held a meeting at the Arab League headquarters in Cairo.

The ministers stated that they have rejected resumption of negotiations because the talks have lost direction and have become ineffective.

The Arab League will seek a UN Security Council resolution against the illegal Israeli settlement construction on occupied Palestinian lands, the statement said.

They also want the UN body to adopt a resolution "that confirms ... the illegal nature of this activity and that would oblige Israel to stop it."

They also called on the United States, which has vetoed resolutions against Israel in the past, not to obstruct such a move.

The direct talks broke off in no time after Tel Aviv refused to renew a partial 10-month settlement freeze in the West Bank that ended in late September.

Moussa said Arab ambassadors at the United Nations were told "to demand an emergency meeting of the Security Council."

