(ForUm) - Ukraine will support the construction of the trans-Caspian gas pipeline pumping Turkmen gas to Europe by-passing Russia, if Ukrainian companies' economic interests are considered, Fuel and Energy Minister Yuriy Boyko told journalists in Ashgabat.
"Ukraine will proceed from its national interests in supporting any project involving Ukrainian companies," he said, Cabinet press office reported.
Yuriy Boyko aired his belief that Ukrainian-Turkmen relations will not worsen and will even develop, reports Trend.
Yuriy Boyko unveiled Govt plans to resume trade balance, which existed before 2005. As he reminded, before 2005 the trade balance stood at 3.5 bn. USD, with1.3 bn. USD investment projects and two billion gas trade.
Mr Boyko said Ukraine and a new leadership of Turkmenistan will soon negotiate on construction of objects, including compressor stations and a bridge across the Amu Darya River.