
Foreign capital in Istanbul up 119 pct in 2010

Business Materials 4 February 2011 16:41 (UTC +04:00)

The amount of capital commitments made by foreign investors in Istanbul rose 119 percent year-on-year in 2010, Anadolu News Agency reported.

According to a report by Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ITO), the number of foreign investors also increased 20.22 percent.

During the whole year in 2010, a total of 3,044 foreign investors established new companies attracting a total capital up to 823.3 million Turkish lira.

Foreign capital was invested mostly in electric-electronics sector, consultancy services, construction and banking-insurance industry.

Spanish, Dutch, British and Iranian investors were the first four countries bringing foreign capital to Istanbul.

ITO Chairman Murat Yalcintas said the amount of capital commitments made by foreign investors in Istanbul reached the peak level since 2006. He said it was because the faster-than-expected recovery in economic activities in the aftermath of global crisis and positive outlook given by credit rating agencies on Turkish economy.

