Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev signed a decree to approve the "Regulation on the form and rules of single information registry checks in the area of entrepreneurship"on Feb. 15, AzerTaj state news agency reported.
The Cabinet of Ministers was instructed to take actions to resolve financial and technical issues, needed to launch single information registry checks in the area of entrepreneurship from May 1, 2011, as well as in financing of expenses to form and maintain the register. Moreover, it was also instructed to prepare the bill on the "Regulation of checks in the area of entrepreneurship and protection of entrepreneurs' interests" within three months and submit it to the President, as well as to prepare and submit proposals to bring the legislative acts in conformity with the decree. Moreover, the instructions were given to bring the legal acts of the Cabinet of Ministers and central executive bodies in accordance with the decree and to inform the President, as well as to resolve other issues arising from this decree within its power.
The Ministry of Justice was instructed to ensure functioning of single information registry checks in entrepreneurship from May 1, 2011. The Ministry of Taxes was instructed to provide the Ministry of Justice with the information in real time about physical and legal entities registered with tax bodies as entrepreneurs and constantly update it to create a single information register base.
The regulations, approved by the decree, will come into force from May 1, 2011.