
First issue of magazine 'Foreign Policy and Diplomacy of Turkmenistan' published

Politics Materials 20 April 2011 22:55 (UTC +04:00)

Azerbaijan, Baku, April 20 /Trend/

The first issue of quarterly theoretical and practical journal "Foreign Policy and Diplomacy of Turkmenistan", established in accordance with the December 2010 resolution of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov, has appeared, the Press Service of Turkmenistan's Embassy to Azerbaijan told Trend.

Strategic partnership for the name of peace, security and stable development of the world, which is a priority of Turkmenistan's foreign political doctrine, is currently an important factor in principal modern processes, arousing the international community's deep interest and great attention, the Embassy reported.

"Through forwarding targeted constructive initiatives and proposals over energy security, ecology and economy issues either regionally or at the sidelines of the UN, Turkmenistan has won a high authority on international arena as a country making a substantial contribution to the strengthening of peace and stability in the region and throughout the world. This is an evident illustration of the successful nature of President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov-led grandiose reforms and multi-target nationwide and international programs, positive foreign political strategy of Turkmenistan", the Embassy's Press Service said.

The decision to issue new journal - "Foreign Policy and Diplomacy of Turkmenistan" - was taken for the reasons of systematic, integrated coverage of the course of practical implementation of priority directions of Turkmenistan's foreign policy based upon the status of permanent neutrality and broadly developing international cooperation, periodical review of events of international importance occurring in Turkmenistan and reporting them to national and world readers, as well as theoretical and practical coverage of peace-loving principles of Turkmen diplomacy, and regional and global issues of modern period.

The journal's first issue starts with President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov's policy-making speech under the name of "Tasks of Turkmen Diplomacy" made at an enlarged meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on December 17, 2010. In his fundamental work, the Turkmen leader gives a detailed coverage of urgent issues, which the diplomatic corps of the country faces with today and whose solution aims at a fruitful implementation of Turkmenistan's foreign political doctrine in the light of modern world realities.
Item "Foreign Political Activity of the President of Turkmenistan' gives the chronologic review of summits held in the early months of this year, particularly, the visit of European Commission Chief Jose Manuel Barroso to Turkmenistan, and the visits of President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov to the Kingdom of Bahrain and the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Item "Articles and Analytical Reviews" contains publications specially prepared for the new journal: "Turkmenistan and UN EEC: Growing Cooperation Inside and Outside Central Asia" by Jan Kubish, Executive Secretary of the UN European Economic Commission (EEC), and "Cooperation between the OSCE and Turkmenistan" by Marc Perenn de Brisambo, Secretary General of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. These materials give a detailed analysis of Turkmenistan's multidimensional fruitful interaction with leading global structures in different fields, including solution of common problems of strengthening of global security and stability in the light of constructive initiatives offered by Turkmen leader Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov.

Another article proposed to readers' attention is "Unity and Prosperity of the Entire Community is Guarantee of Foreign Political Triumph" by Vahdat Sultanzadeh, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Azerbaijan to Turkmenistan, who discloses quite reasonably most important, in his view, advantages of the Turkmen neutrality concept that is unprecedented in the world.
Materials by a series of Turkmen diplomats working abroad and teachers of the Foreign Ministry's Institute of International Relations are also devoted to issues of development of Turkmenistan's bilateral relations with different countries of the world. This item also contains articles about the legal provision of Turkmenistan's foreign policy, the legal support to President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov-offered international initiatives, and materials about the positive experience accumulated by Turkmenistan in the field of diplomatic personnel training.

Item "Young Diplomat's Page" contains a material reflecting the outlook of foreign ministry's to-be employees on the opportunities of further expansion of cooperation between Turkmenistan and world leading powers, particularly, on the example of Turkmenistan's rapidly developing links with China.

Other important international events - meetings of intergovernmental commissions and joint working groups, different-level meetings and negotiations, inter-ministerial consultations at the country's Foreign Ministry, and accreditation of ambassadors of a series of foreign countries - are covered in details in item "Chronicle of Diplomatic Life".

A special item is devoted to international forums held inside and outside the country.

Item "Chronicle" contains official documents regulating implementation of Turkmenistan's foreign political strategy at modern stage.
"The new journal, issued in Turkmen, English and Russian (which widens the area of its spread substantially), will contribute greatly to the explanation of Turkmenistan's foreign policy in the new Renaissance and great reforms era to a broad international audience of readers", the Embassy reported.

