Industry, Mines and Commerce Minister Mehdi Ghazanfari called for further exchange of goods between Iran and Bangladesh, saying that indirect trade imposes further expenses on both sides, IRNA reported.
In a meeting with the head of Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce Kazi Akram Uddin Ahmed, he added that Tehran is able to meet main parts of Dhakaˈs needs for goods and in return import raw material and textiles.
Ghazanfari voiced Iranˈs readiness to provide Bangladesh with various goods such as petrochemicals, crude oil, foodstuff, iron and steel.
Ahmed, for his part, said that his country is willing to promote commercial ties with Iran.
Private sectors play a crucial role in promoting mutual commercial ties, he noted.
He further said that his country is prepared to provide Iran with textiles and types of threads and fiber.
Ahmed hoped that the current $101 billion worth of biltaeral trade would increase through exchange of delegations and holding exhibitions.