
Azerbaijani para-athlete renews world championship title

Society Materials 25 May 2024 17:21 (UTC +04:00)
Farid Zohrabov
Farid Zohrabov
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BAKU, Azerbaijan, May 25. Azerbaijani para-athlete sprinter Lamiya Valiyeva has clinched another world championship title, a source in the National Paralympics Committee of Azerbaijan told Trend.

According to the source, Valiyeva won a second gold medal at the World Championships held in Kobe, Japan.

The athlete, competing in the T13 category, reached the finish line in the 400-meter race in 55.03 seconds and climbed to the highest step of the podium.

To note, the Paralympic champion also took first place in the 100-meter race on the first day of the competition.

Last year, she won gold in the 100 and 400 meters at the World Championships in Paris.

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