The international conference Role of Biodiversity for Sustainable Development in the Southern Caucasus Region: Azerbaijan Progress and Perspectives was launched May 22 in Baku. Participating in the opening ceremony, Husseyn Bagirov, Azeri Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources, stated the significance of such events in the country. В"Azerbaijan is the country with rich natural resources and favorable climatic conditionsВ", - he said.
В"Area of specially protected natural reserves rose from 478k to 605k ha. We also have on agenda the question of establishing Shahdag national park within $17mln joint project, as well
as creation of Yalama-Samur reserveВ", - Minister said.
Speaking Hartmut Vogtmann, President of the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, Germany, stated the readiness for expansion of cooperation with Azerbaijan.
In the conference are participating 15 experts from 7 foreign countries: Germany, Georgia, Belgium, Poland, Austria, Estonia and Romania. Emanuelle Sanguineti, NATO Representative, Brussels, is also partaking in the conference.