The Congress of Benelux Azerbaijanis (CBA) withdrew a movie A story of people war and peace' directed by Armenian Director, Vardan Hovanesian, from a list of award films at the international festival of documentary films organized in Amsterdam. The State Committee on Azerbaijanis Residing Abroad informed that film dealt with Karabakh and the facts were seriously distorted.
The Chairman of the CBA, Sahil Gasimly, advised that the Armenian film was nominated for award. However, the CBA immediately voiced its protest to the Committee of the Festival trough sending letters by e-mail, faxes and telephone calls. The appeals emphasized that the film does not reflect the truth about Nagorno-Karabakh, distorts the essence of the conflict. At the same time the CBA organized hotline for protesting the festival committee.
A delegation of the CBA headed by Ms. Gasimly met with the organizers of the festival to inform them that the film contradicts the truth. She particularly noted the occupation of 20% of the Azerbaijani territory by Armenia and that awarding that film would be a mistake. As a result a title of Armenian enclave in Azerbaijan; was removed from the website.
According to Ms. Gasimly, along with CBA and lobby organizations, Azerbaijani Embassy in Belgium played considerable role in that matter.
As a result of talks held with the organizers of the festival an agreement was reached on demonstrating two Azerbaijan films in the festivals of 2007.