(hollyscoop.com) - The plea agreement for Michael Vick case has been released, in the summary of facts, "Vick agreed to the killing of approximately 6-8 dogs that did not perform well in testing sessions ..."It continues, "All of those dogs were killed by various methods, including hanging and drowning."The plea agreement reads, "the defendant agrees to forfeit all interests in any and all dogs involved (in) an animal fighting venture that the defendant owns or over which the defendant exercises control ... including but not limited to the approximately 54 pit bulldogs recovered from the residence ... "Vick is set to plea guilty to charges of conspiracy and sponsoring a dog in an animal fighting venture. Vick also admitted to providing funding for dog food, medicine and purse fees for dog fighting competitions. If convicted, he could face up to 5 years in prison and a large fine. I can't even look at this guys picture without being disgusted. Animal cruelty is absolutely vicious and the extent he took it to is even more vicious. He should definitely do the time!