
Azerbaijan may change state fees for work permits for foreigners

Economy Materials 21 May 2019 14:04 (UTC +04:00)

Baku, Azerbaijan, May 21

By Aysham Rustamova - Trend:

State fees for issuance and renewal of permits for paid employment for foreigners and stateless persons may change in Azerbaijan, Trend reports May 21.

In this regard, amendments to the “Law on State Fee” were proposed May 21 at the meeting of the Azerbaijani Parliamentary Committee on Economic Policy, Industry and Entrepreneurship.

Presently, work permit is issued within 20 days to foreigners and stateless persons willing to engage in labor activities in Azerbaijan.

The amendment provides for the issuance of permits within 10, 15 and 20 working days, and the corresponding fees are proposed.

In accordance with the proposed amendment, if a permit is issued within 10 days for a period of 3 months and its extension, the state fee will be 700 manats, for a period of six months - 900 manats, and for a period of up to one year - 1,400 manats.

Under the current legislation, these fees amount to 350, 600 and 1,000 manats, respectively.

When issuing a work permit within 15 days, the state fees will be 500, 700 and 1,200 manats, respectively, within 20 days - 350, 600 and 1,000 manats, respectively.

The draft law was recommended for consideration at the plenary session of the Azerbaijani Parliament.

(1.7 manats = 1 USD on May 21)

