
Grain deficit in Iran due to droughty weather and lack of attention to agrarian sphere

Business Materials 19 January 2009 20:02 (UTC +04:00)

Iran, Teheran, Jan.19 / Trend corr A. Namdari / The droughty weather condition and the lack of attention of the government towards the agrarian sphere is a basic reason for the increase of grain import to Iran over the past nine months, Iranian economic expert Sayed Leylas said on Jan.19.

"Last year, the droughty weather in Iran compelled the government to import over 3 million tons of grain to the country," Leylas said.

According to Leylas, no sanction on grain was imposed on the Islamic Republic for 30 years. However, even if such kind of sanction was imposed, the country has a potential for grain production.

Leylas criticized the policy of Ahmadinejad's government in the sphere of agriculture and said that the government should be responsible for the policy in this sphere.  

According to the Iranian customs, during nine months, over 3 million tons of grain amounting to $1.2 billion were exported to the country. In 2007, this figure was 200,000 tons in 2007.  

According to the Iranian Trade Ministry, in 2008, the grain need of the country made up 12 million tons, 7 million of which were produced by local farmers and other 3 million tons were imported form other countries. Other 2 million tons will be imported till Mar. 21.    

This figure included Iran in the list of countries importing majority of grain. Reuters reported that after 26 years, Iran first applied to the United Stated for the import of 1 million tons of grain in summer 2008 which totaled $350 million. 

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