TEHRAN, Iran, September 24. Iran is predicting
to harvest 5,000 tons of rapeseeds from East Azerbaijan
Province said the director general of agricultural affairs in East
Azerbaijan Agriculture Organization Jalal Rahimzadeh, Trend reports
citing IRNA.
The contract farming of rapeseed started on September 11 in East Azerbaijan Province and will continue by early October, he said adding that the product will be used for livestock feed.
Rahimzadeh pointed out contract farming will increase rapeseed production and encouraged farmers to use reformed seeds and fertilizer.
According to the official, rapeseed cultivation will expand from 1,300 hectares area to 2,000 hectares by the end of the current Iranian year (starting March 21, 2022).
Tabriz Country is the major rapeseed producer in the province with 19 cities as farming centers for the production of this strategic product.